Most Epic HDR Video: https://youtu.be/FxYI8FD4TGw


These videos are a “Bocato di Cardinale”. I have had the opportunity to visit 41 cities in Europe and 45 in the United States and Canada. Flying over Niagara Falls, the Colorado Canyon, Mount Solaro on the Island of Capri are unforgettable memories. This channel allows me to fly over thousands of spectacular scenarios with optimal quality in minutes.


Thanks for this beautiful video...  but Where is 16K?..  i think 16K does not exist on YouTube.


2K Video


Dang - I was really hoping for 32K...




Does anyone have any idea where this first place would be?


0:55 does anyone know what/where this village is?


Zdjęcia są fantastyczne,ale dajcie szansę tam pojechać,lecz aby to zrobić trzeba  wiedzieć gdzie.Daj wskazówkę.


What 16k? Bro you got to tell me what camera you are talking about.. I thought 8k was maximum.. Are you using arri?


Tip: Allow the user to select background music from a list that includes Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikosky, Bach, Vivaldi, Chopin, Schubert, Brahms, others.


5g users enjoy 😂


It is 4k but u lying 16k,