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Amaxing epi Jeff.  I donated my left kidney a few weeks before Matt did in '21 as well, so his story hit home big time.  I spent the following year proving to myself that I could still do all the things I was able to do before donating and, similarly, feel more alive than ever with a full slate of races going into this year.  Thank you so much for the extra attention to bring awareness to the reality that healthy people can continue to lead healthy lives post kidney donation...it is so much appreciated!


Jeff is now officially a cat person


This is exactly what I'm talking about Jeff.  You bring net gain to the races and the racers you film.  Matt's story is amazing and I was one of those people who thought if you donated a kidney that meant you had a downgraded life.  What a great story.  My allergies started acting up during that story so I have to go back and watch it again I think:)  You are all warriors!  Between the river crossings, the dogs, the mud....warriors.  Very well done!!


I’m glad the interviews are back! They were a highlight of the Namibia series, can’t wait to meet some more inspirational characters.


You are officially the bravest person I know. I can’t imagine how scary those dogs are.


Matt is an inspiration! Thanks for sharing his story.


Thank you to Matt for partnering with the National Kidney Registry and donating. I've gotten one transplant due to complications at birth and chances are I'll be on that list sooner or later, so I am so appreciative of all the people who are willing to have that surgery and give a life. To a fellow ultrarunner with one kidney to another, God bless and keep up the awesome work!


Once again, you are really setting the bar on quality and story telling. You are producing the best trail running/ultta/fast packing films. And what an inspiration Matt is.


Other than the fact that I’m subscribed to your channel, I think I was meant to see this video. I’m a barber and a client of mine has been talking to me about needing a kidney. Recently I’ve been going back and forth with the thought of donating and honestly scared of what that might change in my life. But after listening to Mike share his story…I think I’ve made my decision. Thank you for this video.


Another amazing episode, Jeff!
Matt, you are an incredible example of humanity at its best. Hats off to you!
Cheers from Brno (CZ)!


My favorite parts of your series is when you feature stories from inspirational people. In your Racing Namibia i was inspired by Vladmi  and Dr. Rob. In this one, Matt is truly a gem by proving that we can do more. Seeing the 🇵🇭 also made me smile.


What a beautiful human being Matt is! True inspiration


Great series, Jeff! Incredible filming and storytelling, and your accompanying music fits perfect. Those dog encounters are no joke. While I was watching I was thinking that you should pick up a rock. This is what I do when I encounter street/stray dogs during my travels. When I wrote my book on travel running tips, I actually included a section on how to deal with dog encounters, and one of those tips was to pick up a rock. Anyway, awesome work on not just your filming but your running too. Thanks for sharing and I’m looking forward to the remaining episodes!


Felt a little bad for laughing at the cut from "chance to clean off the shoes" to slogging through more mud


Thank you Jeff for making videos like this, where you highlight the people and places you run through. Thank you for sharing Matt's story and brining the issue of kidney donation to more people.


Thank you Jeff!  In stride with everyone else I am really enjoying the series.  Wonderful filmmaking with some running, fog and dogs added to the adventure!


Jeff, I salute you! The dogs would definitely be getting to my mental fortitude; and then there was the snarling one in this episode! But I'll also say, when those 4 little boys lined up to be filmed by you, my heart melted. 
All that said: since you & Audrey love travelling and aren't shy of a long-haul flight, come down to NZ your next BC winter and soak up some sun, get some stones from doing the Tarawera Race and explore the high dessert of Tongariro and the sand dunes of northland in NZ. I won't suggest south island as a destination as having been to B.C. myself, there isn't anything on S.I. that you can't 'supersize' in BC or Alberta ;-)


What an amazing story and shots Jeff, and colour grading is on another level, that greens looks like something from magic anime movie. 
I have ran in this region myself several times, as in many other parts of Georgia, climbed big mountains where you had a camp (Didi Abuli / Patara Abuli) - but have never encountered that many and such an aggressive dogs. To be frank you were quite lucky to have avoided dog bites, considered that at some point they have surrounded you and could easily attack from the back.
my personal golden rule avoid as best as you can sheep herds, I usually detour for couple hundred meters, be non aggressive BUT confident (also poles do help to gain confidence) try to be friendly while avoiding to look in their eyes - and never show your back to them


Well done Matt Cavanaugh. Funny I exchanged emails with you after my donation leading up to my PCT event. Never saw your face or knew your story, until now watching one of Jeff’s great adventure videos!