Hey artists, if you’re interested in joining my β€œInner Circle” where you will get access to hours of my exclusive courses, lessons and my private discord server click the link https://www.Patreon.com/rapcoach


the cut at the end of the video is artistic, showing that youtube is a format where you need retention to get more views and when a video is long it makes the retention go down. By cutting the video at the 4 minute mark with that phrase he keeps your retention and makes a video that is well monitizable because it is 4 minutes


As a beat producer, you are 100% correct in the way you said we upload beats. Real producers arent making artist type beats


Shit gets me so aggrovated when i cant find a good beat


Very happy to hear that, coming from the producer side. Personally I released a lot of "Artists X"  type beats.
Because I thought this is how YT works. But honestly had the same thoughts you mentioned aka-  Most big
Artists do a wide range of styles, and unless you are going for a very  very specific  sound
It is pretty limiting. 

This is very eye opening - Thank you


I never thought about it like that, thanks coach!


Thank you Brotha for helping us up and coming artists by providing real content/info that is too legit to quit and that's it Lol. Have a blessed Holiday Mane πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΌπŸŽ„


This is a really funny tutorial and I like that. You cut the bullshit while also keeping it really entertaining. You deserve more subs!!! thanks for the help!!!


actually got to give this a like no cap


Your music is in the box πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… So much love from Zimbabwe πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό Africa


" Because YouTub" cuts out my man got kidnapped mid sentence


I appreciate this help coach! stay blessed


You heard the man YouTube because YouTube


Just discovered ya coach, Keep making these contents.
You da real one, Love ya <3


Thank you frr bruh, NO ONE be talking about this shit.. πŸ™πŸ™ this why you my go to for rap coaching.


Love it


Big true. I try to upload a mix of "type" beats and original-sounding ones. Rough out here for getting your name out there.


Anyone else wonder why it cut short.


I make beats for myself so I don't have this problem. Banger vid tho.


Interesting advice. Diversity is key