
Can you swap wingman and r99 firerate and give wingman a huge mag


I feel like just a single double jump would make this one of the most powerful passives in the game


Maybe have it be infinite uses, but the delay between the jumps gets longer as you use it and it resets when you touch the ground


The movement will be too hard for players to track since it has unlimited ways the player can perform.
 I remember seeing a m0kysniper video about a pilot concept legend and even kinda make it work. but when inviting a dev to see the concept. The dev literally says that un-predictable movement can create immense amount of advantage for the performer.
 All of the movement  character have somewhat of a predictable momentum (the only exception is  octane's ult and mind you which can only perform once in the air, stationary launch pad, and a ultimate)


Flappy bird go brrrr


"Now this might seem like an overpowered passive at first thought, but..."

This is why not everyone should be allowed to design the game πŸ˜ƒ


imagine someone neo strafing with this πŸ’€


I mean Apex Mobile has a perk that gives Octane 3 jumps from his pad but infinity jumps sound really cool


it would need to be loud too. it's one of the aspects of valks jetpack that balances it out.


reminds me of the soda popper from team fortress 2. You do dmg to charge up a meter and when you activate it your weapons turn purple and you get more jumps for a few seconds. It also charges slowly while you walk around i think


Maybe not a double jump but one where they can make a little platform on their feet and run with it would be cool. Like in the Ms.Marvel series where she can make little crystal on her feet and run in the air.


The flappy bird passive


Now hear me out now …… how about give each legend a tactical nuke


If this were implimented it would be quite op because when double jumping as displayed the character is still able to hold reload and shoot weapons, unlike valk in her jetpack mode


Double Jump would be fun but I'd also add "You must do the jump with weapons holstered" allowing you to switch to weapons after, the main issue would become tap strafes in the air... That'd enhance it to skill ceiling levels unfathomable. "Broken" to say but Worlds Edge city landscape ☠, Kings Canyon would develop annoyances in areas, but it'd enhance Storm Point. Guess it'd really depend on level design more than anything?


i think it would be good with a jump fatigue feature, where every additional jump you take gradually decreases your speed until you can’t jump anymore


I want to see someone get the wall run as their passive, or just add it to every legend in the game. Though I'm sure that'd mess with wall bounces and almost definitely hurt Rev's specific "wall running" unless they specifically made so he couldn't do the wall run like others. This is mostly why I would just like to see it on a single legend.


mf turned into the ufo from geometry dash and i love it


Mid air tapstrafing would be INSANE. It's already wild with double jump in R5 reloaded, especially combined with infinite grapple and 3dash


The only think keeping valkyrie's movement from being busted is her inability to use weapons during it, the jump should work in the same way, and even then just the sheer momentum you can have during jumps alone makes it too much