
Just a word of advice to younger filmmakers: YOU DON'T NEED TO BUY ANYTHING. Focus on building your storytelling skills, set etiquette, communication and persistent hard work, the rest will follow. If you're well off to begin with, then half of your worries are already taken care of in your career. Most professionals RENT.


People don't even realize how everyday items can help make life on set so much better! Great video! I'll be subscribing!!


A lens blower was one of the first accessories I ever bought years ago, and I still use that on nearly every shoot. Gets rid of dust from most places in less than a second.


Solid tips. As a traveling filmmaker, a good portion of my job seems to be Macgyvering less than ideal set conditions with random items found around the location we fly into. All of these items are simple and cheap ways to fix a lot of the reocurring issues that we run into. Thanks for making this video.


Another cheap option for lighting is getting a foam insulation board used for home construction. One side is white and the other a metallic reflective material. Super cheap but quite effective.


I also use tons of tape, and you probably know this, but i have recently discovered double-sided nano-gel tape. That sh*t is just fantastic. Doesn't leave residue, can hold a tank to a ceiling and can be moved around on set if it's not to dirty... And it's pretty cheap

Great channel btw. You got a new sub πŸ‘


Good video and great tips. I have found that translucent shower liners from the dollar stores are great diffusion and I've been using them for 45 years now. One of the few products that have gone down in price too!


I suffer from G.A.S. GEAR AQUISITION SYNDROME.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


1:08 The other way of looking at it is this. Buy something cheap and see if you use it and then when it brakes buy the good one.


That was great. I love your humor and teaching style, too. Thanks Luc.


I know the feeling when your family asks you what you want for Christmas πŸ˜†
Pro Tape Tip: If you need to stick cables to the ceiling for let's say a paper lantern - put a wide strip of paper tape down first then stick the cable to it with a piece of gaff tape.
That way the paint and the cable stay where you want them.


Literally one of the most helpful and practical tip/ gear video ive every seen. Ive used lots of these things. Great stuff Luc. Thank you


For light diffusion, I sometimes use sheets from old LCD screens. (Or you could scuff up some plexiglass)

Also, might I suggest electrical tape (PVC) as another gaffer / duct tape alternative.
      It's stretchy, and sticks tightly, but comes off pretty easily too and without residu (provided it didn't get too hot)

Perfect for temporarily tying things together too (much like those elastic bands in your list)


Just a small piece of detail but I love the finger snip sound at the appearance of a text you did in the video. Adds bigtime in the ear candy aspect. Love the list too of course!


Blue painter's tape is ideal for not damaging a wall. Using the glue of a post-it note, it won't hold up much, but it also won't give you a wall repair job later.


Great advice as always! We’ll definitely be applying this to our new documentaries. Undercovers are a good shout πŸ™Œ


Foam core bounce cards, from the dollar store, for sure. At least one piece of Black foamboard negative fill, or a piece of black felt, for sure; great to hide window reflections. I used to fold up a big piece of black cinefoil and stash it in my kits; useful so many times, from extending a matte box to cut some glare, to shaping a light with an extra barn door or snoot, or, punched full of holes with a bic pen, it's a wonderful instant gobo or cookie to pattern a wall.


Paper tape in black is a must have and everyday used item for standby props


People don't even realize how everyday items can help make life on set so much better! Great video! I'll be subscribing!!


I film my own content in my home office, the afternoon sun can be too much but a shower curtain will be perfect! Thank you! 🫢🏽