I want to post covers to eventually make music. Problem I have is I was only really taught how to sing, I’ve no clue about anything on guitar and I have practiced some piano but more on a medium level scale so it’s nothing special. I want to make music performing an actual career but to be honest, I don’t think I can. Still, it’s inspiring to watch videos like these
I have a fear of people learning things about me, which makes me hesitate on making music. Another reason I’m not starting is because I know exactly what I want the song to sound like in my head but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to put it on FL studio. I am running into too many problems and have spent many many hours trying to fix these problems. I am currently 0 measures into the song, meaning I have not been successful in a single aspect.
I (allegedly) pirated FL studio years ago, I was on and off making stuff. I'd open it and make something for an hour before getting mad at myself for it sounding bad and deleting the save. When I was watching this I went back on FL studio and made a basic drumb loop, it was nothing special but it was something I was proud of. I'm really grateful you made this.
I have a lot of trouble accepting that it's ok to be bad at something I've only just begun
There's an artist acclaimed by Indie fans named Phil Elverum (aka The Microphones and Mount Eerie) who just kept making shit and releasing it and he got better and better. Someone asked him in a Q&A how much of his music he regretted releasing, to which the artist said "most of it", but the man made a cult classic just a few years into his musical endeavors (The Glow, Pt 2, released 2001) yet still releases music to this day and has many dedicated fans. Point is, just learn and bullshit your way through, and you can make a masterpiece if you go at it long enough.
i'm happy i made my algorithim give me small music youtubers
Guys trust this guy Chonny Jash is perfect example. You will become great artists!!
you gotta crawl through the cringe before you can walk through the fire
Man, you have to explain me why you dont talk about my instrument, the one that's as important as drums. Tip: always ask a drummer to make the drum part. And I feel like that should be the first thing to be recorded.
reminds me of escher
hold on bestie i’ve gotta do my hw so i can then clean my apt so then i can start packing so then i can move so then i can unpack- oh! i gotta make supper too! then imma working on job applications, because apparently everyone wants workers but nobody wants to employ? like idk what i gotta do to be more ‘ployable… and i gotta re-dye my hair bc it was hella bleached and now it like kinda can’t pick up color, but i tried two box dyes and they kinda didn’t work so then i ordered like a permanent color thingy but like 1) wrong shade (well technically not wrong bc i wanted a like ‘cherry cola’ vibe but also like orangey kinda ginger might be more sickening?) and 2) she’s not really like staying on my hair- so imma try like a hair dye that’s meant for more porous hair which happens to be in the black hair section which i hope doesn’t make me look weird bc I’m lil miss snow white over here but with like cunty hair. should i make pasta for dinner?
I love music, i like singing, but I'm out of tune, no good voice, that doesn't stop me, so i learned beatbox. Percussion is music. And so on
Tbh the veil over the cap is a fire fit and im gonna steal that for a character design <3
Yeah I’ve made probably ten albums (solo/with various bands) and yeah, I accepted early on that very few people are going to listen. I used to worry about using specific personal details about people in my lyrics, scared it’d be awkward if they heard I put ‘em in a song. Very rarely has anyone listened close enough to give a damn what I’m singing about lol “Joe Stack” on the streaming places, check out my sad solo albums if you want (sorry to plug in your comment section; it felt relevant)
My biggest stopping point is I have so many cool ideas I just don’t know how to turn them into a full song, or write lyrics for it As well as the technology, idk how to convert all that into a full song/ DAW/ mix
I liked this advice - when you can't go all in and make everything from scratch, then just make a cover, so you can only remake 1 part of the song and not worry about the rest. Really helps mentally to not get overwhelmed and at least have enough courage to just start making smth
I love the end result. I only started playing and singing this year (at the ripe age of 27) and although it would've been great to start earlier, it has been one of the best decisions I've made for myself.
You really need a push to do the things you really want to do. And the right connections.
When I was in 3rd grade, I wrote and performed a song at a pep rally at school. It was absolute shit looking bad but it was fun asf. 7 years later, I’ve been trying to come up with new stuff, through random lines, voice memos, etc and I’m in the process of convincing my dad to let me get guitar lessons to add another instrument to my skill set. W video, your covers were also pretty fire.