
We often take our neck for granted until it becomes tight, sore, or difficult to turn. At that point, we realize how much we rely on the muscles, tendons, and bones in our cervical spine for free movement.

Common causes of neck pain include poor posture, poor exercise alignment, accidents, falls, and aging. Out of the 20 muscles in your neck, four key muscles are often affected:

✔️Platysma: Controls facial movements
✔️Sternocleidomastoid: Aids in neck flexion and head extension
✔️Scalene Muscles: Facilitate neck rotation and lateral flexion
✔️Trapezius: Responsible for shoulder and neck movements


What types of exercises relieve this type of neck discomfort?


I learned, that if you tuck your chin to your left shoulder, and take the side of your hand. Firmly press up to your skull, which has helped me, release tension on the line down, down at the end, you touched on.


Loving that anatomy


My traps are literally always tight!


Yep traps are the bain of my life