Watching these has been QUITE....THE SIGHT.
Thank god Tiggy is vibing
"Non fatal stabbings by a jury of your peers" lmfaoooo
"I do not recall eating, said cookies. I do not recall saying "yummy" after every bite." 😂2:34
I love how they speak perfect English and at several moments throughout the story say 'out' and 'space' but then when it's 'outer space' they just go: ooooh. Utter Spachee!
There's so much worldbuilding in these insane little tidbits. And also character development. Geggy is just darling.
Geggy has so much heart and soul. Even as they were cuttin’ into her flesh, takin’ her skin, she empathized with those kooky space lizards when she scared them. A shining example of a Gluron
Tiggy Skibbles is probably one of my most favourite parts about this series
Utter Spawchi is out there!
I do not recall saying: "this is the best show available right now"
This is wonderful 😂. Its exactly like how I always imagined Interdimensional Cable to be.
The fact that every location is described by its proximity to deedle 😂
One of the best AI generated short movies currently. Makes me almost think that Douglas Adams might still be with us.
Geggy Burlond has that unshakable optimism, gotta love that
I have seen this series like 10 times now. I just play these videos while doing something. Their voices are weirdly calming.
This feels like something you'd watch while on Adult Swim at 3:00 AM.
Non-fatal stabbings as punishment is WILD
Ooter Spatche.