
0:02 makes me remember 1 month ago when Meeple was release i take my phone quickly and connect to brawl Stars and i go in the pizza planet i got enough pizza to get him I'm happy that supercell don't make a payment early access for this brawler 😊


Congrats 🥹🫶


the yeet impact is real so many loyal and supportive fans bro keep up the grinding 💪💪




Meeple is my favorite brawler


3:30 bro didn't know Meeple is a low health brawler


Beritan senmisin




Yo nice job man keep up the good work. Idk y u only have 2k while putting this much effort into ur vids and ur such a good player. I hope someday u go viral. Mind adding me on brawl stars man?


Beritan senmisin ben mustafa


Yo! Can I add you?