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Rich, you dont interrupt too much. You summarize information in a really great way. Sometimes your guests are all of the place with their message and you help refocus. I think you do this better than most podcasts hosts out there.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against Suicidal, depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


The first thing I said to my daughter and husband when my Son died was say over and over We Are Going To Be OK.  The brain will do what it's told❤


'It's not the thoughts you have that make you suffer. It's the thoughts you attach to' 
- Dr. Amen


Five things i learnt
1.The brain generally is lazy, it tends to do what it has been trained to do hence the need to try and consinstently learn good habits.
2. Always ask yourself -  good for your brain or bad for it ? Diet, habits etc
3.How you go about your day is important, Start off with telling yourself this is gonna be a great day, go on thru the day consciously, then at the end of the day, assess and focus more on what went well. Repeat.
4. Impulsivity and ADHD are real, and so is depression and addiction. Seek professional advice.
5. Its never too late to start healing your brain through a healthy lifestyle. Improvements can occur even within 3 weeks of consistency.


"The big exciting lesson over the last 30 years in neuroscience is neuroplasticity. You're not stuck with the brain you have, you can make it better."


Who wants to see Rich's brain? I do! Such a great episode. As someone with [very] limited resources [at the moment] I am so grateful for a generous podcast like this [thank you both!]. I love that you give advice that even I can apply to my life right now. [I'm a 58 yo woman. A little late to the party but I'm showing up now. Every. Single. Day.] Someday I'd love to have a scan but right now I can make changes and am doing so. I 'changed my mind' [truly didn't believe or know that i could] recently and appreciate the generosity of people like the two of you who have been helpful guides for me while I navigate out of very stark darkness. I am eternally grateful!


Thanks to these two gentlemen for sharing the facts with us. It's crazy how nobody is talking about a book Health and Beauty Mastery. I think they are trying to censor it for exposing industry secrets.


The fact that nobody talks about censored book called The 23 Former Doctor Truths really gets to me. Always loved people like Rachel, they open our eyes


I took my son was diagnosed with bipolar and schizophrenia to him 7 or 8 years ago.  Because he was vet he got a discount and it was the first time after all the years and many meds that I realized there was not only addiction issues, but possible traumatic head injury from all the years of wrestling and gymnastics.  I would show these images to his psych doctors and they just didn't get it or really care.  It was 5 years of struggling and working as a family to get him sober and back to us after being homeless and on his own.  He is doing so much better!   Of course still on 4 meds which I am trying my hardest to get his nutrition under control to eliminate some.  I am hopeful that we can come back to Amen Clinic and see his improvement which I think would be even more of a motivator.


This episode is solid gold. Absolutely the most beneficial, informative, and hopeful presentation I've seen anywhere regarding fundamental brain health. Who knew? Thank you, Dr. Amen, thank you, Rich.


The techniques and equipment he uses for diagnostics (SPECT) have been scrutinized by other professionals. It's not my field of expertise so I can't comment on that. I, however, have tried his treatment advice with regards to specific subtypes of ADHD, and it actually worked. I don't tolerate any form of stimulants whether it is caffeine, methylphenidate, amphetamine, nicotine etc. at all. The ADD drugs did squat to help me out it just gave me more problems. Then I read what Dr Daniel Amen had to say about the different form of ADHD from his experience. Let's just say that I'll be finished with my PhD in Biochemistry degree by the end of this year and I'm in the best mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state I've been in my life...Without any pharmaceutical drugs! This man deserves credit where it is due.


Dear Rich Roll, I have watched countless of your podcasts over the years but this one really got to me... Powerful information and such a warmhearted Dr. Amen and you. Thank you big time for this interview and all you do. You DO make the world a better place.


I’ve learned a lot from many of your podcasts, but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced one as powerful and informative as this one.  Thank you 🙏


Rich, you are so thoughtful and skillful in your interviews. I’ve never perceived you as an interviewer whom interrupts! 
This was the best podcast I’ve seen with Dr. Amen, thank you!  It will be so interesting to hear about your brain scan. Nothing to fear :)❤


Rich you're so cool and you're a personal role model for me. Thanks for your openness about your ADHD & previous addiction problems. I also have ADHD & it's hard to relate to with other men as they're almost always very closed off and walled up but you're so honest & true. I admire that.


Well I've had my brain scanned a number of times as I needed nine hours of brain surgery in 2017 to remove a tumour. The tumour in my left frontal lobe led to significant changes in my personality - I was pretty crazily sexually promiscuous, with comprised sense of boundaries and very impulsive, and had periods tearful and feeling suicidal. I had no idea it was brain tumour related until I had an epileptic fit on the bus on the way to work! I have a far calmer mind and lifestyle now! It is a scary realisation that you're not in control of your thoughts , emotions and behaviour when the brain is compromised. I'm mega careful lifestyle wise now to be as health conscious as possible - vegan whole food diet, meditation, and regular exercise (strength, cardio and flexibility) and minimal alcohol. Dr Amen talks a lot of sense!


I discovered you a few months ago and I have to tell you I absolutely LOVE your channel. The guests that you have on are quite honestly amazing and Dr. Amen is a doctor I knew about many years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and I wanted to hear what Dr. Amen has to say about Alzheimer's and Dementia. I cannot begin to tell you how much you have helped in my life by bringing Dr. Amen and Dr. Mosconi in my life. Thank you for your wonderful channel and no, you don't interrupt too much😄


I do not think you interrupt that much, you truly allow your guests to speak and finish their ideas. Great episode!! You rock Rich!