Thanks for your no-nonsense approach.
100% brilliant coverage of SpaceX - many thanks LabPadre for 100 great videos
thanks for keeping us up to date on everything Lab! 💯
Watching the timelapse of the ships moving always cracks me up. They look so funny moving that fast!
Congratulations on your 100th episode. Keep up the good work. 😃🙌
Thanks! Congrats on 100! Best announcing voice in the space video biz.
Awesome 100 Lab!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Best SpaceX content bar none. Detailed, well explained, efficient and thorough. 👍
Imagine where we will be at in the next 100 updates. So exciting to see the making of this great vehicle
Congratulations on your 100th episode. Your presentation is always informative, and extremely well executed. The volume of information continues to increase, as SpaceX grows at an unprecedented pace. Know that your hard work is deeply appreciated by all us space nerds, and your weekly updates have become essential viewing.
💯 Ahhh yeah... Congrats to the LAB team!!! Great to be a part of such a quality effort. Cheers!!!
15:54 What a fantastic shot,. A perfect wall picture .
100 thanks to the LabPadre team!!!
This is such a great summary. Thank you!
Happy Birthday
Congratulations LabPadre ! . . . Keep that Texas Twang coming. " The South Shall Rise Again . . . to Mars ! "
100! Just imagine how far SpaceX will be when you reach 200.
Awesome update LabPadre! Thanks, as always...and massive congratulations on reaching Ep. 100! Phenomenal achievement! Thanks also to Chief, for his superb captures!