My fiance is approaching the end of his life in hospice care after battling cancer for 4.5 years. I am finding much comfort in this music, specifically this song. I imagine him eventually waking up in paradise with this song playing in the background. He is only 32 years old. He has lived such a short life but has served a glorious purpose in being such an amazing fighter and the man I will always love. ❤
This is what acceptance sounds like. Acceptance of all those things you cant change
Why does this score makes me wanna sit down in front of a sunset and think about my whole life.
1:53 2:10 when you get that feeling of trying your old food from your child hood
cant really explain it but this song really makes me hopeful for my future with my current lover, as long as im with him, i think everything'll be alright
Loki's quote from Thor (2011) saying, "I could've done it Father, I could've have done it! For you! For all of us". Loki's last words in the show(2023) saying, "I know what I want. I know what kind of god I need to be. For you. For all of us". Thor was right about Loki in "Thor Ragnorok" stating, "You'll always be the god of mischief, but you could be so much more". Loki finally found his glorious purpose and learned to let go his past.
Me and my bro watched one episode every night 6 days before the new year, and 6 days after, 6 days in 2024, 6 days in 2025. And to finally end the show after never watching it for years. Even after spoilers, it never soured the magnificent taste. To watch that ending, left us speechless. Truly what could be the best contender, for the greatest show in the Marvel Universe. Perhaps for all time.... Always
I love Loki ;(
Makes me feel like my soul is traveling through the world and there's peace, love ❤️
The look on Renslayers face as she realised This is how her story ends... This soundtrack brings a tear to the corner of the eye.
Honestly insane how easily the best MCU score is in a streaming show centered around a villain who was killed off
This is the song I listened to when I was on top of a abandoned bridge sitting there watching the sun set and thinking about life 2:11
I've never heard a piece of music better convey this feeling of.. existentialism? It just makes me think about time and the past and nostalgia
When we will be dying , during our last moments , on our beds , our favourite people around us , crying , we realize that everything will just be the same even after we are gone . Nothing will change . How ethereal .
This sounds like something that would play at the end of the world, universe, and time.
The trumpets at the end sound haunting, like the soundtrack in Hereditary but joyful.
I feel I'm the only one saddened during this bit of the song in the show that showed a young He Who Remains, casually creating candles, the curtains blowing behind him as he looks back. But nothing happened, he turns back to what he was doing as nothing happened, never receiving the book that would make him HWR. Saddened at what he would never become, but at peace knowing that he gets to actually live out the life that was in a way...stolen from him as a child.
It's like Agape and Loki have a child and it's beautiful 💚 Thank you Natalie Holt for everything
i just lost my childhood dog we saved him from the shelter when he was around 3 and we had him for 14 years the bestest friend i ever had and he was with me in the darkest times may you watch over me till we meet again love you kipper