After seeing what bro was going through I can’t even blame him
0:24 , soo real bro, I break the camera in still died 🤦🏾
0:20 i have never seen sb leave so fast😭
I did this method and jvert was in my lobby everytime 😭🙏 (he a free kill)
12:47 tough talk from nahv in a lagofast vpn bot lobby 😂
thank you jvert i can finally play the game for fun thank you lagofast!
welp unc has to pay the bills some how
0:17 these are literally all of my lobby’s + hackers 😭
Blud def got a sponsor
W Jvert x Nahv 🔥
Jvert posting daily
Notti gang bro w vid once again never fails to entertain ❤❤❤
I don’t even care if its lobbies I’m just glad you posted
This only works to countries close to you it’s kinda pointless doesn’t really get rid of sbmm
Why does the other guy say about bots leaving? thats 2 boxing no?
Noti gang
Bro you funny as hell talking about you had to secure bo6 get yo bag tho bro😂
I now understand why streamers have bot lobbies, WHY AM I GETTING IN LOBBIES WITH WORLD SERIES PLAYERS? I’m just a casual player
I’m only trying to do this because there’s lots of hackers