
NOTIFICATION SQUAD: The last epic journey of 2021! Thank you to everyone who's watched Abroad in Japan this year, it's certainly been one hell of a year. From finally getting a ramen shop studio and interviewing Ken Watanabe (out early next year), to visiting all 47 of Japan's prefectures and crazy projects like Journey Across Japan and Wacky Weekend, to the 12 Days of Christmas series over on the Chris Abroad second channel. This year will be a tough one to beat, but I look forward to rising to the challenge for 2022 - the 10 year anniversary of Abroad in Japan! See you there guys.


This Journey Across Japan series has to be one of the greatest youtube productions, really great work Chris and we are all lucky to have you!


Natsuki is a special personality 😂 you can’t find that talent easily, he’s like the funny drunk friend that doesn’t have to drink


9:40 Natsuki threw that leg up smooth af with all the grace style and indignation of a petulant aristocrat.


I love Natsuki's confidence with the English language. Learning a foreign language is hard, but as long as we can communicate what we want, don't sweat the vocabulary and just speak! Not everyone has that confidence, so I very much admire Natsuki that he just goes for it ✌️


"Ryotaro would buy me lunch."

I think that's the first time I've ever heard Chris express about Ryotaro in a positive comment.


19:25 Natsuki's lemon trick should be the highlight of this trip lmao


Natsuki probably thinks you're asking him an addition problem LOL


Hokkaido is 100% on my Bucket list.


We all should aspire to speak the languages we learn with such joy and confidence as Natsuki does


Videos with Connor: horrifying abandoned places
Videos with Joey and Natsuki: Explore the world, eat the local food, experience culture


Honestly, at this point, I can’t believe the travel channel hasn’t offered Chris his own show. These videos are always top notch content. Between the cinematography and narration, these videos seem like they are filmed and produced by a professional tv crew of some sort. Can’t wait to see what happens next year!


Sometimes I feel like Natsuki is actually the designer for some of the broken English clothes you pick up, the things he comes out with!


With Connor: Let's go to an abandoned building at night in the middle of bear country
With Joey:  Let's go eat the best food in all of Hokkaido
With Natsuki: Let's vibe


Natsuki's lemon trick was a straight-up revelation. Also, Chris did exactly what you expect him to, when it came to the money he owed Joey and Natsuki 🤣


Natsuki is a national treasure. Not to japan, to the internet. I never fail to crack a smile whenever he's on one of Chris's videos. Took me a bit to really understand his style of humor since it is more Japanese based, obviously, but after I did he's become a lot funnier in my eyes.


The research and preparation that goes into these videos is incredible, it's hard to pull off informative, funny and well shot but you've nailed it.


I feel like Natsuki would love Australia, all of his most qouted music genres play in most pubs and on car radio 24/7 . Australia would also love to have him.


I love this series. I’m a Japanese native and had to move to the US to live with my mother. These vids help with seeing how Japan has grown.


Joey's face when Chris said they get $500 each killed me 😂😂 15:40