A big step towards normality, I hope us in Europe can fix things and get immigration and the econimies back on track.
The fact that a president has to push a law in order to state the obvious tells you everything to know about society.
What a world we live in. 10 years ago I never would have though the president would have to make an executive order about this.
They will double down! They always do. They will ride that sinking ship till the end.
As a gay man, some people might just assume I don’t agree with Trump on this but I do. Identify as what you want, do what makes you happy. I don’t care. But there is only 2 sexes, male and female and there’s massive differences between the two. That shouldn’t be so controversial to say but for some reason it is these days
Trump has to be the quickest to start validating his supporter’s votes.
at least the water reserves in LA will be up possible overflowing due to the tears of the left.. lol.
All of this makes perfect sense, so of course Hollywood will double down on the gender ideology BS
It could really go both ways; I kind of expect though that some companies probably will double down in parts. If so, they deserve to go under. I just hope that finally some common sense will eventually come back to both the UK and the rest of Europe, to end this massively harmful nonsense and stop all that ideological manipulation, gaslighting & coercion.
Rightfully so. We all knew this would happen to children that were never told NO. And now there's adults in the room to tell them no.
My only issue with it all is nobody cared until it affected women specifically. This should have been addressed long ago
Triple, quadruple down 100%. They are in their own echo chamber
That’s right England. Now it’s time for you to get rid of your shitty government and that German prime minister. Let’s go get your shit together
There are many women relieved about this, including women whom I know personally who feel this way but are too intimidated to speak out publicly because of social backlash.
I wonder if this means we can discuss this issue in the youtube comments again.
Thank you for explaining this.
Hollywood will doubledown at first but they're already feeling it in the pocketbook and lets face it, everything comes down to money.
Yo, the child support bill he passed is way more important. That's a real game changer. The gender thing is just common sense prevailing.
How will Hollywood cope? At this point I honestly don't care. I'd rather watch a John Wayne western for the 100th time than most new stuff.