Now that you're giving the Hunters upgrade trees as well, do you think you could have extra videos from their perspective during these hunts so we can see their upgrade processes?
Possible narrative for this video: Poseidon was bragging about his powers and said he was the strongest, and Zeus was like, 'prove it', and turned him into a mortal baby and enlisted other gods to try and keep him from regaining his powers.
He's got a reputation... He's got a name to uphold... He can't grant the hunters mercy or they'll forget why his domains so cold... Now get in the water... (I'm sorry. I literally just finished listening to the song, so it was on my mind. And lads literally Poseidon in this vid!)
37:19 ODYSSEUS?! ODYSSEUS OF ITHACA?!? … Who ever can string my husband’s old bow, and shoot through twelve axes, cleanly. Will be the new king, sit down at the throne, and rule with me as their queen!
Hunters should’ve been Zeus, Hades and Athena, Zeus and Hades because those are his brothers and they argue a lot, and Athena because they’ve had beef for a while, they fought over who the city of Athens would worship
I hope we get a 100 Days as Hades Video.
Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!
Cause ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
My favourite Greek god. Maybe we need a Series of Greek Gods too see how each god differs
57:33 The way Permore shouts ''Oh no! Oh God!'' is just ironic since he is a god/goddess
100 days as a silverfish! PLEASE I'VE ASKED SO MANY TIMES
Another fun fact: actually, the minotaur wasn't a gift for Zeus, but poseidon. Ryguyrocky should have put earthquakes into his video. That would I've been such a cool upgrade.
Im glad permore is back in the manhunts its been soooo long❤❤
This is great and if you intend t9 continue making things based on Gods and mythology I have a few recommendations 1. Sun Wukong 2. Nyx 3. Kaos 4. Apophis 5. Ra I have more if wanted
This just made my day better!
0:02 Probably Chaos on the basis of how everything came from it. After Chaos is either Nyx, Zeus or the Fates. It’s hard to say. But considering that Ares gets beaten up by Athena with enough regularity for Zeus to make a joke about it, and that Poseidon has rebelled against Zeus in the past only to fail and be temporally stripped of his Godhood as punishment, it’s not either of them.
Watching ruthlessness as background music
Can you please do 100 days as One Punch Man! I’m subbed btw
49:50 How dare he?! Ares, whose sacred animals include dogs, murdered a dog?!