This Was a lot of fun! Huge shout out to Kyle! He has worked so hard and I love where he’s going!! Let’s Go Brother!!
I remember when Kyle only had a couple hundred thousand subscribers and now he’s at 1.3M subscribers! He deserves a lot of respect he’s just a good guy doing what he loves!
Been watching Kyle since he had braces and was still in welding school, lived with Charlie who was just starting to turbo his wago and Hayden still had a 600 hp CRX. Can't believe it's been 8+ years! 1320 I have watched since the Parish turbo Silverado days when they had the DVDs!
Kyle has really done well with his channel. Frim a little kid with a honda 4 banger and a dream to a actual fleet of cars anyone would be proud to have. Congrats kyle & Wyatt.
I’m not really even a Honda guy. I respect them and I do like them but I just love his channel. It’s like kids just randomly building crazy cars. What a dream come true
@42:31 1320 has the most dedicated camera men literally hanging out the window of a moving car is crazy with a big ass camera. Big Props to them
Three cheers for Boosted Boiz!! Thanks for sharing 1320!!
Kyle and Garrett are my two favorite racing channels to watch
Wow all the cars started, kyle must have charged them all before your visit, didn't see the jump pack once.😂😂😂
Komme aus Deutschland und liebe die Boosted Boys ..... 1320 und Cletus natürlich auch! Danke für den Kontent an uns Petrolheads! Thanks for all
The " Shopping Cart " jump started the channel big time.
WAYY cool the boyz are gettin a full feature exposure maybe this will help boost their exposure good for them
Definition of a Honda boy love it 💪💪
I remember when Kyle & Brent made that red wagon with cart wheels on the back in Brent’s old shop! So long ago! I also remember when the og h22 mini van. I remember when the blue wagon was first made with Charlie. Been here from the start!
Glad to see kyle really growing. I’ve been watching him for years. These guys build cars that are relatable to normal guys and they are fast af.
Og Kyle Subscriber here, been to the meets in colorado when hed take out the van and the mr2. I really have enjoyed growing up with the channel and He inspired me to get into racing. I now run a tuning business and have so many great friends and limitless good memories to match with because of the car community. All You guys definitely shaped a unforgettable part of many peoples lives.
What a perfect video for my day off.
Great Video, glad to see this colab of fine content; plus we got a great tour of the boostd compound. Thanks for making my day!
I forgot half the stuff he has until watching this. I enjoy watching his channel great guy.