
♎How do you best connect with the themes of Libra? 🌟💝BROWSE ALL ZODIAC YOGA CLASSES: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0v0k7UCVrk4gSTVS6uIxfgXPXVHbHZr


I had a feeling you were a fellow Libra ;). An idea that really helps me on the tireless quest for balance is that there is actually no such thing as balance, only balancing. It takes the pressure off and turns it into a practice, much like yoga. Loving your zodiac series!


Beauty, Balance, Sunshine, Sobriety~~~~~ Libras are the antithesis of today's egoist culture.... If you are a Libra and you feel different, that's because you are... Balancing will both be your challenge of life and your gift to the world... Create peace in your dwellings (body and home)... Let go of everything that disrupts your magical flows... Many signs work work work for more more more... Libras have everything they need. Anything in excess will only require an over correction of balance. Stay close to your soul.... It reflects the love of the world.


I've been doing yoga with you for a few months and finally found you are also a libra! I know Libras are like this because I am also one! I love this exercise and now have found my balance for a new day!


As a Libra I connect with the need for balance and harmony and needing routine, needing to feel appreciated, being the peacemaker and care giver. While the same things also produce anxiety and struggle. Beautiful calming practise. Thank you kassandra ❤


I would love love a second round of these zodiac sessions, I’m loving the exploration that comes with these themes! Working my way through all 12, and so grateful!


Excellent class! Definitely shows me I need a lot more balance work. My 80 years is finally showing . You are a gifted, wise and generous soul, kassandra.  My gratitude to you!!


My coworker and I do yoga in the morning before work.  We typically would chose a random 20 min yoga video until we found your channel.
We really like you over many other yoga channels for many reasons. An example is your realism. You explain the position and movement of your body in a more complete way than others. Also, you wear appropriate attire for the video, not extenuating the most attractive area of your body. In addition, you are pleasant to watch. Your voice is soothing. You focus on energies and intentions that bring connection into the yoga practice. It is not forced though, and that's even more respectful. 
All in all, I really like your videos. You've done a great job, thank you for the efforts.


Thanks for this practice. As a Libra, I'm really struggling in most aspects of my life right now, so repeating the affirmations throughout the practice helped me to change my mindset and perspective. But I just have to continue on repeating them - thanks again!


Thanks so much Kassandra. I did this today focusing on the intention to see beauty around me and including within me. Self gratitude and practising breathing are top of my list this year. Namaste.


Fellow Libra here, loved this so much! When you said you were a Libra I thought, oh no wonder I like her so much! Lol I’ve tried other teachers but no one does it like you! Thank you for being you Kassandra!


Thank you so much Kassandra for wisdom and clarity, both in the physical and mental aspects of yoga. I really connect to this class of Libra, and appreciate your teaching skills in all of your classes, I have gained SO much from practicing with you, so my gratitude goes to myself for committing to yoga, and to you for all your efforts of teaching, thank you!!


My relashionships are harmony, I easily balance work and play, I see beauty all around me!


Dear Kassandra, I am so grateful for your yoga practices and teachings. I also just love how detailed you are choosing matching colours and eye colours for this series. I find this series a fun and playful way to reflect about myself and my relationships with others even though I also root for other ways of self-understanding. I would love to do my own chart somewhere esthetically pleasing so if you have any faves please do recommend, I would much appreciate that. Have a wonderful summer and sending you and your wonderful animal companions lots of love ❤


I’m a Libra, So of course I loved this video! I have been practicing yoga for about 11 years. I found your videos about a month ago. You are My New Yoga Instructor ❤


Great class - I am a Libra and some things resonate but I put work, pets; caring for family…most everything before “play” or me time so lots to work on! Thank you


Thank you so incredibly much, I absolutely felt it, would LOVE more chatty classes, it feels amaze to do it right and feel those muscles, I have Virgo rising and I felt everything you’ve said, it opened my mind for some new incredible insights! Thank youuuu


I’m a Leo but I loved this Libra practice! I love balancing poses and stretches!


It is great to be able to see the beauty in the world, because there is a lot. I don't think I am Libra however I really connect with it. Namaste.


I'm a Libra, have tight hamstrings, and struggle with balancing poses.  This was perfect!