I watched her perform this quite recently. before she sang the song, I felt her look somewhere towards me and she said some of us carry something very heavy inside. I was at the concert alone holding my ticket and my ex’s, who broke up with me weeks before. The song broke me
The extended vocalizations on this are memorizing.
This song means the world to me. It is not possible to listen and not cry like a waterfall. This is truly beautiful and a masterpiece. Thanks KEXP for capturing this.
"I need you to stop needing me, like I've needed you." Such a simple line yet holds so much weight and meaning. And her voice... it's perfect
At this point in my life, this feels like a warm hug. Thank you, AURORA, for your music. 🥰🥰🥰
Oh how I wish that one day I can come back to this comment and say YES I have seen AURORA perform LIVE in my country South Africa 🇿🇦 I just feel like it would be soooooo magical
What a beautiful performance from everyone I'm crying
The magnitud of empath and emotion this song have is beyond imagination for me. Thank you AURORA, the BAND and KEXP thank you so much
This song always makess me cry. I can't wait to hear it live!💙🥺
Such an emtional closer of all her concerts on the current tour.
Amazing as always. You and your band are beautiful to listen to and watch. Thank you.❤
Te amo
protect her pleaseee
Omg, it's like Christmas! New AURORA release! YES!!!! Brava, Aurora! Im bawling.
This performance is touching my heart body mind and soul HUHUHU LOVE YOU AURORA AND THE GANG 😭😭😭 Also waiting for the full live!
Beatiful song and lyrics. I cried when i watched her sing it live last year in London. Special girl x
Its been a while since I last listen to her. Those vocal addition are magical. Goosebumps!
What a gorgeous rendition oh my little heart has been hit🤧 It's so nice to see Aurora back at KEXP:')