What truly matters most in a relationship? #Relationships #Dating #Money
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
What truly matters most in a relationship? #Relationships #Dating #Money
Sometimes, people just need a little reminder that they’re doing great! 💙 #KeepGoing #GoodJob
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Sometimes, people just need a little reminder that they’re doing great! 💙 #KeepGoing #GoodJob
This is exactly how I wish my parents woke me up for school. I missed way too many buses! 🚌😂 #ADHD
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
This is exactly how I wish my parents woke me up for school. I missed way too many buses! 🚌😂 #ADHD
It’s music to my ears 🎵 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It’s music to my ears 🎵 #adhd
Signs that you could be bipolar include going days without sleep, a rapid rate of speech...
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Signs that you could be bipolar include going days without sleep, a rapid rate of speech...
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments 😂 #adhdproblems #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments 😂 #adhdproblems #adhd
You know you’re being gaslit when you start questioning your own reality… 😵‍💫 #Gaslighting
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
You know you’re being gaslit when you start questioning your own reality… 😵‍💫 #Gaslighting
They’re not here either… again 😂 #ASD #Autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
They’re not here either… again 😂 #ASD #Autism
My first date with an older woman! #kindanervous 👀
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
My first date with an older woman! #kindanervous 👀
Healthy relationships may sometimes feel boring & that’s ok 👌 #dating #boredom
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Healthy relationships may sometimes feel boring & that’s ok 👌 #dating #boredom
Unmasking is a huge life shift, give yourself grace 💙 #Neurodivergent #Unmasking #SelfCompassion
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Unmasking is a huge life shift, give yourself grace 💙 #Neurodivergent #Unmasking #SelfCompassion
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Signs that you may have bipolar disorder include sudden surges of confidence, irritability at night
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Signs that you may have bipolar disorder include sudden surges of confidence, irritability at night
time to get my life back together 💊 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
time to get my life back together 💊 #adhd
Can a diagnosis help you be more faithful? ✔️ #adhd #cheating
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Can a diagnosis help you be more faithful? ✔️ #adhd #cheating
Some have ADHD, some have autism, and many have both ✔️ #audhd #drkojo
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Some have ADHD, some have autism, and many have both ✔️ #audhd #drkojo
Your autistic partner notices and appreciates your patience! ❤️ #ASD #Autism #Relationships #DrKojo
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Your autistic partner notices and appreciates your patience! ❤️ #ASD #Autism #Relationships #DrKojo
We might have cracked the code on dating & finding your person… 👀 #Relationships #Neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
We might have cracked the code on dating & finding your person… 👀 #Relationships #Neurodivergent
Words matter when talking to your autistic friends. Choose them wisely!🗣️ #ASD #PDA #DemandAvoidance
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Words matter when talking to your autistic friends. Choose them wisely!🗣️ #ASD #PDA #DemandAvoidance
Masking is tough, especially when you’re constantly rewarded for it 📝 #Masking #Neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Masking is tough, especially when you’re constantly rewarded for it 📝 #Masking #Neurodivergent
Neurodivergent + insomnia? Yeah… this one’s for you 💤 #WeightedBlanket #ADHD #Autism #SleepStruggles
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Neurodivergent + insomnia? Yeah… this one’s for you 💤 #WeightedBlanket #ADHD #Autism #SleepStruggles
Stimming helps us self-soothe, but sometimes we don’t even realize we’re doing it! 🤯 #Neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Stimming helps us self-soothe, but sometimes we don’t even realize we’re doing it! 🤯 #Neurodivergent
Asking for help takes real courage. If you’ve done it, I’m proud of you! ❤️ #KeepGoing #YouGotThis
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Asking for help takes real courage. If you’ve done it, I’m proud of you! ❤️ #KeepGoing #YouGotThis
You can get unstuck, be kind to yourself! #executivedysfunction
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
You can get unstuck, be kind to yourself! #executivedysfunction
What happens when you use 🍃 daily at a young age? Let’s talk about it 🤔 #DrKojo #TBreak
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
What happens when you use 🍃 daily at a young age? Let’s talk about it 🤔 #DrKojo #TBreak
Did you know AuDHDers are much more likely to use substances recreationally to help them feel good?!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Did you know AuDHDers are much more likely to use substances recreationally to help them feel good?!
Executive dysfunction is the monster robbing you of your peace, anxiety is the one helping him out 🫨
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Executive dysfunction is the monster robbing you of your peace, anxiety is the one helping him out 🫨
Recognizing your partner's special interests can be a sign that your relationship will work! ❤️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Recognizing your partner's special interests can be a sign that your relationship will work! ❤️
It's great to be empathetic, just have to pace yourself emotionally ❤️ #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It's great to be empathetic, just have to pace yourself emotionally ❤️ #asd #autism
Does having the right support decrease addiction?! ✔️ #yes #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Does having the right support decrease addiction?! ✔️ #yes #asd #autism
3 Embarrassing Things About ADHD!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
3 Embarrassing Things About ADHD!
CPTSD, alexithymia, and mood swings sometimes come with the neurodivergent experience #asd #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
CPTSD, alexithymia, and mood swings sometimes come with the neurodivergent experience #asd #audhd
Improving communication will strengthen your relationship! #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Improving communication will strengthen your relationship! #asd #autism
Autistic individuals normally see things faster than others! #asd #autism #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autistic individuals normally see things faster than others! #asd #autism #neurodivergent
I’ll just do it tomorrow! #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
I’ll just do it tomorrow! #adhd
Protecting your partner's social battery is a neurodivergent love language! #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Protecting your partner's social battery is a neurodivergent love language! #asd #autism
Stimming is a neurodivergent love language 💙✌️ #stimming #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Stimming is a neurodivergent love language 💙✌️ #stimming #asd
Stimming in public is a mood booster ⚡️⚡️ #stimming #dbhdd #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Stimming in public is a mood booster ⚡️⚡️ #stimming #dbhdd #audhd
Quitting 🍃 is a much more difficult thing than you’d imagine! #gardening #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Quitting 🍃 is a much more difficult thing than you’d imagine! #gardening #adhd
ADHD Life Changing moments be like ⚡️#adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
ADHD Life Changing moments be like ⚡️#adhd
Neurodivergent burnout could be the result of giving everything your best! #asd #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Neurodivergent burnout could be the result of giving everything your best! #asd #audhd
An early diagnosis improves one’s quality of life! #autism #asd #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
An early diagnosis improves one’s quality of life! #autism #asd #neurodivergent
Executive dysfunction is the reason why you’re burned out 🥱 #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Executive dysfunction is the reason why you’re burned out 🥱 #audhd
No win is too small, progress over perfection. Keep going! #keepgoing #depression #mentalheatlh
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
No win is too small, progress over perfection. Keep going! #keepgoing #depression #mentalheatlh
Untreated autism can lead to overconsumption of alcohol 📝 #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Untreated autism can lead to overconsumption of alcohol 📝 #asd
Autistic children thrive in environments when they’re accepted, not forced to fit in💙#autism #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autistic children thrive in environments when they’re accepted, not forced to fit in💙#autism #asd
If you’re dating an autistic person, realize that autonomy is a need, not a want ❤️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
If you’re dating an autistic person, realize that autonomy is a need, not a want ❤️
Why don’t the meds hit as hard on certain days?! 😒 #adhd #addy
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Why don’t the meds hit as hard on certain days?! 😒 #adhd #addy
If you’re autistic, you see the world differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that! 😎
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
If you’re autistic, you see the world differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that! 😎
If nobody has told you lately… you’re doing a great job & I’m proud of you 🏆
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
If nobody has told you lately… you’re doing a great job & I’m proud of you 🏆
Detox struggles are real. Lack of appetite is temporary, but a clear mind is worth it 💯 🌿
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Detox struggles are real. Lack of appetite is temporary, but a clear mind is worth it 💯 🌿
The way to beat anxiety is by taking action, keep going.  #anxietyattack #panicattack #anxiety
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The way to beat anxiety is by taking action, keep going. #anxietyattack #panicattack #anxiety
Women with ADHD, what’s your number one pet peeve? #adhdinwomen
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Women with ADHD, what’s your number one pet peeve? #adhdinwomen
Day 5 of no 🍃 is when the going gets tough! #tbreak
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Day 5 of no 🍃 is when the going gets tough! #tbreak
Is there anything worse than the hyperfocus interruption?! 😤🤬
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is there anything worse than the hyperfocus interruption?! 😤🤬
The right person won’t fear your autonomy, they’ll respect it. ❤️ #relationships #keepgoing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The right person won’t fear your autonomy, they’ll respect it. ❤️ #relationships #keepgoing
A toxic relationship may have you questioning a healthy relationship at times #keepgoing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
A toxic relationship may have you questioning a healthy relationship at times #keepgoing
Healthy can feel weird when all you’ve known is chaos ❤️ #relationship #dating
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Healthy can feel weird when all you’ve known is chaos ❤️ #relationship #dating
Romance can sometimes feel like a demand for autistic partner💙 #pda #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Romance can sometimes feel like a demand for autistic partner💙 #pda #asd
The struggle is real, just quieter 🤫 #adhdwomen #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The struggle is real, just quieter 🤫 #adhdwomen #adhd
A sudden surge in happiness is sometimes a warning sign 💔 #pleasestay
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
A sudden surge in happiness is sometimes a warning sign 💔 #pleasestay
One person receiving a diagnosis can change the fortunes of an entire family!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
One person receiving a diagnosis can change the fortunes of an entire family!
ADHD paralysis eventually turns into depression & anxiety! 🫨 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
ADHD paralysis eventually turns into depression & anxiety! 🫨 #adhd
What’s the risks of using 🍃 early in life?
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
What’s the risks of using 🍃 early in life?
Heartbreak can lead to mania, so be careful but have fun when dating #bipolar
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Heartbreak can lead to mania, so be careful but have fun when dating #bipolar
You can’t fix what you don’t understand💙#adhd #adhdawareness
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
You can’t fix what you don’t understand💙#adhd #adhdawareness
Raise ya hand if you’ve gotten in trouble because of your tone! 🖐️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Raise ya hand if you’ve gotten in trouble because of your tone! 🖐️
Fellas, it’s OK to work on your mental health! You got this!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Fellas, it’s OK to work on your mental health! You got this!
The need for autonomy is an autistic priority, and sometimes we feel bad because of this #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The need for autonomy is an autistic priority, and sometimes we feel bad because of this #asd
ADHD paralysis eventually turns into depression & anxiety! 🫨 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
ADHD paralysis eventually turns into depression & anxiety! 🫨 #adhd
Dr. Kojo Unites America: The Post-Election Therapy Session You Didn’t Know You Needed!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Dr. Kojo Unites America: The Post-Election Therapy Session You Didn’t Know You Needed!
Follow me on Meta to catch my new series where I show you how to navigate a relationship w autism!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Follow me on Meta to catch my new series where I show you how to navigate a relationship w autism!
Depression, anxiety, ADHD … or all three?! 🙃 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Depression, anxiety, ADHD … or all three?! 🙃 #adhd
Have you lost people who actually weren’t genuine friends? 💔 #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Have you lost people who actually weren’t genuine friends? 💔 #neurodivergent
Is it still helpful to get a diagnosis, even as an adult? 🤔 #yes #asd #audhd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is it still helpful to get a diagnosis, even as an adult? 🤔 #yes #asd #audhd #autism
Follow me on Meta to catch my new series where I show you what PDA in autism could look like!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Follow me on Meta to catch my new series where I show you what PDA in autism could look like!
Is it ADHD, autism, or both?! 🤔#audhd #asd #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is it ADHD, autism, or both?! 🤔#audhd #asd #adhd
You’re doing a better job than you realize ✔️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
You’re doing a better job than you realize ✔️ #shorts
Understanding autonomy and sensory overload will help improve communication with your partner!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Understanding autonomy and sensory overload will help improve communication with your partner!
It's never too late to receive a diagnosis 🧠 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It's never too late to receive a diagnosis 🧠 #shorts
When your man receives that late night phone call, does it make your heart drop? 😲 #dating
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
When your man receives that late night phone call, does it make your heart drop? 😲 #dating
Recovery is always possible. There’s hope for anyone struggling ❤️ #nedawareness
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Recovery is always possible. There’s hope for anyone struggling ❤️ #nedawareness
Is the fear of vomiting holding you back? 🤔 #emetophobia
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is the fear of vomiting holding you back? 🤔 #emetophobia
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 3)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 3)
A diagnosis, even later in life, can be the turning point in your life 🩵 #keepgoing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
A diagnosis, even later in life, can be the turning point in your life 🩵 #keepgoing
Your late bedtime lets me know you may be on the spectrum 😴 #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Your late bedtime lets me know you may be on the spectrum 😴 #asd #autism
Is it depression or undiagnosed autism? 🤔 #autism #asd #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is it depression or undiagnosed autism? 🤔 #autism #asd #audhd
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 2)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 2)
Is it time to make that appointment? 🤔 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is it time to make that appointment? 🤔 #shorts
The neurodivergent way is the right way! ✔️ #audhd #adhd #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The neurodivergent way is the right way! ✔️ #audhd #adhd #asd
substance induced psychosis is real 🍃 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
substance induced psychosis is real 🍃 #shorts
It’s the little things that matter! #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It’s the little things that matter! #asd #autism
3 Key Signs It's Time To Give Up Marijuana!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
3 Key Signs It's Time To Give Up Marijuana!
4 Surprising Things I've Noticed About Myself Since Quitting Marijuana!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
4 Surprising Things I've Noticed About Myself Since Quitting Marijuana!
The Unspoken Neurodivergent Love Language Nobody Ever Told You About!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The Unspoken Neurodivergent Love Language Nobody Ever Told You About!
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 1)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autism In Relationships May Look Like (Volume 1)
Would you leave after one slip up OR are you staying to work things out?! 💔 #relationships
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Would you leave after one slip up OR are you staying to work things out?! 💔 #relationships
How To Increase Independence In Autism (Understanding PDA!)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How To Increase Independence In Autism (Understanding PDA!)
Took me 26 years to get a diagnosis, so that I could help you get one in an hour ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Took me 26 years to get a diagnosis, so that I could help you get one in an hour ❤️ #shorts
Do you think she’s overreacting? What are the chances that he’s actually telling the truth?
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Do you think she’s overreacting? What are the chances that he’s actually telling the truth?
Why You Don't Know What To Feel Sometimes (Autism & ADHD)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Why You Don't Know What To Feel Sometimes (Autism & ADHD)
Creating A Morning Routine With ADHD
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Creating A Morning Routine With ADHD
How To Overcome ADHD Paralysis/Executive Dysfunction
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How To Overcome ADHD Paralysis/Executive Dysfunction
Understanding sensory sensitivity and how it affects your partner can prevent arguments... ❤️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Understanding sensory sensitivity and how it affects your partner can prevent arguments... ❤️
Is it appropriate for a platonic female friend to spend the night w/ your man when you’re not home?!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is it appropriate for a platonic female friend to spend the night w/ your man when you’re not home?!
Who all has been through this same exact relationship cycle? #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Who all has been through this same exact relationship cycle? #shorts
When ADHD looks like narcissism 👀 #adhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
When ADHD looks like narcissism 👀 #adhd
We’re really living in two different worlds 🌎 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
We’re really living in two different worlds 🌎 #shorts
How To Push Through ADHD Paralysis / Managing Executive Dysfunction
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How To Push Through ADHD Paralysis / Managing Executive Dysfunction
Do you think she actually agreed to let him have another lady over at night while she’s out?!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Do you think she actually agreed to let him have another lady over at night while she’s out?!
It’s a neurodivergent party! Y’all are all welcome! 🎁 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It’s a neurodivergent party! Y’all are all welcome! 🎁 #shorts
recognizing mania early and getting a diagnosis is life changing! 🏆 #keepgoing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
recognizing mania early and getting a diagnosis is life changing! 🏆 #keepgoing
Creating a world where all people feel safe is a priority! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Creating a world where all people feel safe is a priority! #shorts
How I Went From Failing Student w/ ADHD To Mental Health Doctor & Social Media Influencer! **VLOG**
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How I Went From Failing Student w/ ADHD To Mental Health Doctor & Social Media Influencer! **VLOG**
An autism friendly home where you can stim and unmask in peace? #signmeup
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
An autism friendly home where you can stim and unmask in peace? #signmeup
We will always take care of you! ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
We will always take care of you! ❤️ #shorts
Mental Health Doctor And Engineer Talk Self-Sabotage, Modern Dating, T-Breaks, Sobriety, and More!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Mental Health Doctor And Engineer Talk Self-Sabotage, Modern Dating, T-Breaks, Sobriety, and More!
Things AuDHDers Absolutely Hate! **VLOG**
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Things AuDHDers Absolutely Hate! **VLOG**
schizophrenia is a thought disorder that complicates things, but there’s hope! ❤️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
schizophrenia is a thought disorder that complicates things, but there’s hope! ❤️
who’s gonna tell em? 🤔 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
who’s gonna tell em? 🤔 #shorts
I’m not the person I was two weeks ago 😤 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
I’m not the person I was two weeks ago 😤 #shorts
Why AuDHDers Struggle In Relationships! **VLOG**
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Why AuDHDers Struggle In Relationships! **VLOG**
I’m sure 95% of men don’t know the difference 😂 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
I’m sure 95% of men don’t know the difference 😂 #shorts
the sooner you can spot & treat the mania, the better ✔️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
the sooner you can spot & treat the mania, the better ✔️ #shorts
oddly relaxing for me 🤔 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
oddly relaxing for me 🤔 #shorts
Day In The Life of Mental Health Professional Who Prescribes and Takes ADHD Medications! **VLOG**
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Day In The Life of Mental Health Professional Who Prescribes and Takes ADHD Medications! **VLOG**
feels so good to feel like a normal person 💊 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
feels so good to feel like a normal person 💊 #shorts
this one increased my anxiety idk 🫨 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
this one increased my anxiety idk 🫨 #shorts
manic confidence is undefeated ️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
manic confidence is undefeated ️ #shorts
The Autistic Advantage (Establishing & Keeping Routines) **VLOG**
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
The Autistic Advantage (Establishing & Keeping Routines) **VLOG**
Autonomy is a silent life long struggle for many autistic folks! #pda #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autonomy is a silent life long struggle for many autistic folks! #pda #asd #autism
I was stressed for no reason #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
I was stressed for no reason #shorts
Signs You Are Lowkey Depressed!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Signs You Are Lowkey Depressed!
overcoming emotional dysregulation is the best reward for quitting ✔️ #moodswings
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
overcoming emotional dysregulation is the best reward for quitting ✔️ #moodswings
How soon is too soon to say “I love you?” 💔
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How soon is too soon to say “I love you?” 💔
Life's So Good, Please Enjoy It
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Life's So Good, Please Enjoy It
Can’t eat, can’t sleep! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Can’t eat, can’t sleep! #shorts
Self compassion is a MUST w/ bipolar disorder Though it may be hard to diagnose, it’s VERY treatable
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Self compassion is a MUST w/ bipolar disorder Though it may be hard to diagnose, it’s VERY treatable
Inattentive ADHD is the most common type in women! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Inattentive ADHD is the most common type in women! #shorts
What should you expect on your first night? 😴 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
What should you expect on your first night? 😴 #shorts
Have you fallen into this trap before? #lovebombing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Have you fallen into this trap before? #lovebombing
Four Lifestyle Changes I've Made As A Person With ADHD
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Four Lifestyle Changes I've Made As A Person With ADHD
strange dreams, no appetite, insomnia…. The first few days are rough! #tbreak
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
strange dreams, no appetite, insomnia…. The first few days are rough! #tbreak
Which one of these best describes you? 😅 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Which one of these best describes you? 😅 #shorts
Asking for help is a sign of strength ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Asking for help is a sign of strength ❤️ #shorts
in order to shake out of the depresśive funk and clean up, we gotta eliminate shame ❤️
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
in order to shake out of the depresśive funk and clean up, we gotta eliminate shame ❤️
I felt like I’d lost my best sleep aid 😞 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
I felt like I’d lost my best sleep aid 😞 #shorts
Even with all of the distractions, we still love you! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Even with all of the distractions, we still love you! #shorts
Managing the crash is half the battle. You got this! ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Managing the crash is half the battle. You got this! ❤️ #shorts
Is your mood holding you back from making progress? 😳 #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is your mood holding you back from making progress? 😳 #neurodivergent
Recognizing the early signs of mania is a gamechanger! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Recognizing the early signs of mania is a gamechanger! #shorts
Stimming is a neurodivergent love language! 🗣️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Stimming is a neurodivergent love language! 🗣️ #shorts
Protecting your partner’s social battery is a neurodivergent love language!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Protecting your partner’s social battery is a neurodivergent love language!
What’s your favorite way to stim? ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
What’s your favorite way to stim? ❤️ #shorts
masking drains the social battery! 🪫 #masking #audhd #asd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
masking drains the social battery! 🪫 #masking #audhd #asd
Understanding & being kind to yourself helps to prevent self-sabotaging 🙏 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Understanding & being kind to yourself helps to prevent self-sabotaging 🙏 #shorts
thank you for 1 million followers, facebook!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
thank you for 1 million followers, facebook!
Experiencing guilt and shame is one of the hardest parts of having bipolar disorder. #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Experiencing guilt and shame is one of the hardest parts of having bipolar disorder. #shorts
Do your best to not judge yourself based on your mood ✔️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Do your best to not judge yourself based on your mood ✔️ #shorts
From nonverbal to a full time job is a victory worth celebrating! #asd #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
From nonverbal to a full time job is a victory worth celebrating! #asd #autism
Sensory overload can be an early sign of mania for some ✔️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Sensory overload can be an early sign of mania for some ✔️ #shorts
How long could you stay in a relationship like this? #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How long could you stay in a relationship like this? #shorts
most of these go away within 10-14 days ✔️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
most of these go away within 10-14 days ✔️ #shorts
We’re so much more alike than we are different! 🇬🇭 🇺🇸 #keepgoing #comedy #ghana #nashville
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
We’re so much more alike than we are different! 🇬🇭 🇺🇸 #keepgoing #comedy #ghana #nashville
How fast is too fast? #newrelationship #lovebombing
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How fast is too fast? #newrelationship #lovebombing
Neurodivergent Individuals Will Need Some Type of External Support
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Neurodivergent Individuals Will Need Some Type of External Support
Autonomy is a “need”, not a want... Words matter! #pda #asd #audhd
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Autonomy is a “need”, not a want... Words matter! #pda #asd #audhd
Recognizing the early signs of mania could save lives! ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Recognizing the early signs of mania could save lives! ❤️ #shorts
Where are all my African bruddas at? #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Where are all my African bruddas at? #shorts
Reassurance in a relationship is a gamechanger! #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Reassurance in a relationship is a gamechanger! #shorts
An early sign of hypomania could be increased irritability at night 🌌 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
An early sign of hypomania could be increased irritability at night 🌌 #shorts
are the biggest baddies autistic? ❤️ #asd #autism #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
are the biggest baddies autistic? ❤️ #asd #autism #neurodivergent
When the fellas think you look good, that’s how you know you’ve made it! 🏳️‍🌈 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
When the fellas think you look good, that’s how you know you’ve made it! 🏳️‍🌈 #shorts
On your worst day, you gotta promise me you’ll stick around 🤞 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
On your worst day, you gotta promise me you’ll stick around 🤞 #shorts
It all comes down to communication lol ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
It all comes down to communication lol ❤️ #shorts
when the depressive episodes last longer than the highs 😔 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
when the depressive episodes last longer than the highs 😔 #shorts
Your thoughts don’t define you 💯 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Your thoughts don’t define you 💯 #shorts
Knowing the early signs of hypomania is a gamechanger 💡 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Knowing the early signs of hypomania is a gamechanger 💡 #shorts
being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world is a roller coaster experience 🎢
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world is a roller coaster experience 🎢
Sometimes just missing a dose can lead to “brain zaps” ⚡️#shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Sometimes just missing a dose can lead to “brain zaps” ⚡️#shorts
This is your reminder to be kinder to yourself ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
This is your reminder to be kinder to yourself ❤️ #shorts
what are “autism” eyes? 👀 #asd #autism #neurodivergent
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
what are “autism” eyes? 👀 #asd #autism #neurodivergent
3 Tips To Beat Seasonal Depression!
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
3 Tips To Beat Seasonal Depression!
A decline in personal hygiene could be an early sign of schizophrenia 📝 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
A decline in personal hygiene could be an early sign of schizophrenia 📝 #shorts
bipolar 2 is often misdiagnosed as major depresśion 😞 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
bipolar 2 is often misdiagnosed as major depresśion 😞 #shorts
haldol, ativan, & brock bowers is all I need 🏈 #fantasyfootball #comedy
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
haldol, ativan, & brock bowers is all I need 🏈 #fantasyfootball #comedy
Dealing With The Frustration of A Late Diagnosis (AuDHD)
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Dealing With The Frustration of A Late Diagnosis (AuDHD)
do your friends understand autism? 🤔 #neurodivergent #autism
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
do your friends understand autism? 🤔 #neurodivergent #autism
Excessive worry and isolation could happen before psychosis 💭 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Excessive worry and isolation could happen before psychosis 💭 #shorts
Do you try your best to not be noticed in social situations? 👻 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Do you try your best to not be noticed in social situations? 👻 #shorts
How many red flags do you spot? 🚩#comedy #drkojo #cougar #redflags
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How many red flags do you spot? 🚩#comedy #drkojo #cougar #redflags
Why is love bombing one of our favorite ways to receive love?
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Why is love bombing one of our favorite ways to receive love?
Living with PMDD can make it hard to even have a good day 😞 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Living with PMDD can make it hard to even have a good day 😞 #shorts
Social anxiety sometimes leads to self-isolation 💔 #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Social anxiety sometimes leads to self-isolation 💔 #shorts
Women who have ADHD are at a higher risk of having PMDD #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Women who have ADHD are at a higher risk of having PMDD #shorts
How often do you lose track of time? #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
How often do you lose track of time? #shorts
Mania can impact your memory, but you CAN bounce back! ⚡️#shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Mania can impact your memory, but you CAN bounce back! ⚡️#shorts
About half of autistic adults also have an anxiety disorder #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
About half of autistic adults also have an anxiety disorder #shorts
Is talking about future kids after ONE week of dating a big red flag 🚩 or a sign of optimism?! 🤔
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
Is talking about future kids after ONE week of dating a big red flag 🚩 or a sign of optimism?! 🤔
PMDD is a nightmare that can get better with help ❤️ #shorts
Kojo Sarfo, DNP
PMDD is a nightmare that can get better with help ❤️ #shorts