What was my cold plunge epiphany?
Madan Kandula
What was my cold plunge epiphany?
Does switching clocks twice a year impact our quality of sleep?
Madan Kandula
Does switching clocks twice a year impact our quality of sleep?
15 years ago, I thought of myself as cutting edge and that ENTs weren't far behind. I was wrong.
Madan Kandula
15 years ago, I thought of myself as cutting edge and that ENTs weren't far behind. I was wrong.
Providing simple solutions for patients is what ADVENT has become known for. #ClearingTheAirways
Madan Kandula
Providing simple solutions for patients is what ADVENT has become known for. #ClearingTheAirways
The Need for ENT - S1E7 - Clearing The Airways Podcast
Madan Kandula
The Need for ENT - S1E7 - Clearing The Airways Podcast
Hot take: surgeons are better than medical doctors. Kidding (kind of). #ClearingTheAirways
Madan Kandula
Hot take: surgeons are better than medical doctors. Kidding (kind of). #ClearingTheAirways
New episode of my Clearing The Airways podcast is up and my guest was Ethan Handler, MD.
Madan Kandula
New episode of my Clearing The Airways podcast is up and my guest was Ethan Handler, MD.
Dr. Handler’s Journey to ADVENT - S1E6 - Clearing The Airways Podcast
Madan Kandula
Dr. Handler’s Journey to ADVENT - S1E6 - Clearing The Airways Podcast
Should you use mouth tape if your CPAP machine leaks while you sleep?
Madan Kandula
Should you use mouth tape if your CPAP machine leaks while you sleep?
You may be surprised that even though I’m a surgeon, I’m not a big fan of receiving medical care.
Madan Kandula
You may be surprised that even though I’m a surgeon, I’m not a big fan of receiving medical care.
I went to Cuba for the experience and left with a lingering memory for an unexpected reason!
Madan Kandula
I went to Cuba for the experience and left with a lingering memory for an unexpected reason!
What’s the most rewarding part of the work that I do?
Madan Kandula
What’s the most rewarding part of the work that I do?
ADVENT is growing rapidly and I plan to visit more of our clinics this year!
Madan Kandula
ADVENT is growing rapidly and I plan to visit more of our clinics this year!
A tongue retainer is a trendy ‘snoring hack,' but should you bother to use one? #SnoreStopper
Madan Kandula
A tongue retainer is a trendy ‘snoring hack,' but should you bother to use one? #SnoreStopper
Why do so many great surgeons choose to work at ​⁠@ADVENTknows? #ENT
Madan Kandula
Why do so many great surgeons choose to work at ​⁠@ADVENTknows? #ENT
What can be done if you snore but don’t have sleep apnea? Let me tell you about the Snoreplasty.
Madan Kandula
What can be done if you snore but don’t have sleep apnea? Let me tell you about the Snoreplasty.
Did you catch the interview of Mike Tyson where an adolescent asked him about legacy?
Madan Kandula
Did you catch the interview of Mike Tyson where an adolescent asked him about legacy?
Does legacy matter?
Madan Kandula
Does legacy matter?
Can you afford to treat your Airway-Breathing issues? Can you afford not to?
Madan Kandula
Can you afford to treat your Airway-Breathing issues? Can you afford not to?
One of the most impactful treatments we provide at ADVENT is a Turbinate Reduction.
Madan Kandula
One of the most impactful treatments we provide at ADVENT is a Turbinate Reduction.
What’s my secret sauce for motivating my team?
Madan Kandula
What’s my secret sauce for motivating my team?
Would I do a ‘do over’?
Madan Kandula
Would I do a ‘do over’?
Why do so many people wait years to treat their snoring and Airway Breathing issues?
Madan Kandula
Why do so many people wait years to treat their snoring and Airway Breathing issues?
I’m writing a book! #TheBreathingTriangle
Madan Kandula
I’m writing a book! #TheBreathingTriangle
A personal goal that I will continue into the new year is spending less time thinking about work.
Madan Kandula
A personal goal that I will continue into the new year is spending less time thinking about work.
3 things I would stay away from, as an ENT: Afrin, Mouth Tape, and Over-the-Counter Oral Appliances.
Madan Kandula
3 things I would stay away from, as an ENT: Afrin, Mouth Tape, and Over-the-Counter Oral Appliances.
Have you read “The Life Cycle of a CEO” by Claudius A. Hildebrand & Robert J. Stark?
Madan Kandula
Have you read “The Life Cycle of a CEO” by Claudius A. Hildebrand & Robert J. Stark?
It's not productive to always be 'on' - which is why I'm intentional about taking time to unwind.
Madan Kandula
It's not productive to always be 'on' - which is why I'm intentional about taking time to unwind.
In 2025, I want to 'do without doing things' - be the conductor, not the violin player.
Madan Kandula
In 2025, I want to 'do without doing things' - be the conductor, not the violin player.
It's time once again to reflect on the progress made over the year; I'd give myself a solid B.
Madan Kandula
It's time once again to reflect on the progress made over the year; I'd give myself a solid B.
As leaders, we'd prefer to have tailwinds at our backs over pushing through fierce headwinds!
Madan Kandula
As leaders, we'd prefer to have tailwinds at our backs over pushing through fierce headwinds!
“How likely are you to recommend ADVENT to a friend or family member on a scale of 0 to 10?”
Madan Kandula
“How likely are you to recommend ADVENT to a friend or family member on a scale of 0 to 10?”
How my studies at Duke University impacted who I am today.
Madan Kandula
How my studies at Duke University impacted who I am today.
Visiting Israel and Jordan is one of my most memorable family vacations.
Madan Kandula
Visiting Israel and Jordan is one of my most memorable family vacations.
How does Otolaryngology and Dental Sleep Medicine overlap? #SleepMedicine
Madan Kandula
How does Otolaryngology and Dental Sleep Medicine overlap? #SleepMedicine
What motivates me as a surgeon? #Otolaryngology
Madan Kandula
What motivates me as a surgeon? #Otolaryngology
As a CEO, what motivates me every day?
Madan Kandula
As a CEO, what motivates me every day?
What’s the replacement process for Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)? #SleepMedicine
Madan Kandula
What’s the replacement process for Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)? #SleepMedicine
What’s cheaper - CPAP or Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)? #SleepMedicine
Madan Kandula
What’s cheaper - CPAP or Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)? #SleepMedicine
How does Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) compare to CPAP? #SleepMedicine
Madan Kandula
How does Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) compare to CPAP? #SleepMedicine
If you’re able to, I can’t recommend enough how impactful traveling as a family can be!
Madan Kandula
If you’re able to, I can’t recommend enough how impactful traveling as a family can be!
Antarctica remains as one of my more memorable family vacations for me!
Madan Kandula
Antarctica remains as one of my more memorable family vacations for me!
There was once a pride in being a physician, we used to be warriors!
Madan Kandula
There was once a pride in being a physician, we used to be warriors!
Seeing what’s possible and bringing that into your organization, that’s a mark of a leader.
Madan Kandula
Seeing what’s possible and bringing that into your organization, that’s a mark of a leader.
Focusing on patients and delivering care in a way you know it should be done will never get old!
Madan Kandula
Focusing on patients and delivering care in a way you know it should be done will never get old!
At ADVENT, we focus on providing access to simple office-based solutions to help you breathe better!
Madan Kandula
At ADVENT, we focus on providing access to simple office-based solutions to help you breathe better!
Living without regret is important and a leading factor to how I approached my college experience!
Madan Kandula
Living without regret is important and a leading factor to how I approached my college experience!
Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation is an office-based procedure for chronically runny or irritated noses
Madan Kandula
Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation is an office-based procedure for chronically runny or irritated noses
Patients aren’t commodities and shouldn’t be treated by commodities. #ADVENTknows
Madan Kandula
Patients aren’t commodities and shouldn’t be treated by commodities. #ADVENTknows
"The Man in the Arena" by Theodore Roosevelt is a quote every leader needs to know!
Madan Kandula
"The Man in the Arena" by Theodore Roosevelt is a quote every leader needs to know!
Can sleeping with a humidifier reduce how much you snore? #Snoring
Madan Kandula
Can sleeping with a humidifier reduce how much you snore? #Snoring
ADVENT's future is clear, in 20 years, we'll be open coast to coast! #ADVENTknows
Madan Kandula
ADVENT's future is clear, in 20 years, we'll be open coast to coast! #ADVENTknows
Today marks 20 years of ADVENT and I couldn't be more proud! #ADVENTknows
Madan Kandula
Today marks 20 years of ADVENT and I couldn't be more proud! #ADVENTknows
How should you lay in bed if you snore while you sleep? Let's get into it!
Madan Kandula
How should you lay in bed if you snore while you sleep? Let's get into it!
At ADVENT, our surgeons get to focus on why they got into medicine - taking care of patients!
Madan Kandula
At ADVENT, our surgeons get to focus on why they got into medicine - taking care of patients!
What kind of care is needed after a Balloon Sinuplasty?
Madan Kandula
What kind of care is needed after a Balloon Sinuplasty?
What does recovery look like after the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure?
Madan Kandula
What does recovery look like after the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure?
What does a Balloon Sinuplasty accomplish? #TheBreathingTriangle
Madan Kandula
What does a Balloon Sinuplasty accomplish? #TheBreathingTriangle
What’s on your travel bucket list?
Madan Kandula
What’s on your travel bucket list?
Upcoming world travels to share with my family before 2024 ends!
Madan Kandula
Upcoming world travels to share with my family before 2024 ends!
It’s important to know your why!
Madan Kandula
It’s important to know your why!
Can snoring have a direct impact on your mood? #Snoring
Madan Kandula
Can snoring have a direct impact on your mood? #Snoring
Sleep Apnea is not exclusive to men or people who are overweight. #ObstructiveSleepApnea
Madan Kandula
Sleep Apnea is not exclusive to men or people who are overweight. #ObstructiveSleepApnea
Sparky may be a common dog name - but for me, the inspiration came from the Big Red Machine!
Madan Kandula
Sparky may be a common dog name - but for me, the inspiration came from the Big Red Machine!
How did our Coton de Tulear - Sparky - become part of the family 12 years ago?
Madan Kandula
How did our Coton de Tulear - Sparky - become part of the family 12 years ago?
When will better Airway-Breathing solutions be available in my city? #ADVENTknows
Madan Kandula
When will better Airway-Breathing solutions be available in my city? #ADVENTknows
What’s the process for getting fit for an Oral Appliance? #ObstructiveSleepApnea
Madan Kandula
What’s the process for getting fit for an Oral Appliance? #ObstructiveSleepApnea
Not enough sleep apnea patients know about Oral Appliance Therapy! #ObstructiveSleepApnea
Madan Kandula
Not enough sleep apnea patients know about Oral Appliance Therapy! #ObstructiveSleepApnea
If I were to start ADVENT over from day one, what would I do differently?
Madan Kandula
If I were to start ADVENT over from day one, what would I do differently?
I have a lot of respect for Taylor Swift and her approach to songwriting.
Madan Kandula
I have a lot of respect for Taylor Swift and her approach to songwriting.
There’s a reason London is my favorite city in the world!
Madan Kandula
There’s a reason London is my favorite city in the world!
Be careful with over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray if you’re looking for long-term relief.
Madan Kandula
Be careful with over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray if you’re looking for long-term relief.
What’s the difference between the sound of whistling vs wheezing when you breathe? #Wheezing
Madan Kandula
What’s the difference between the sound of whistling vs wheezing when you breathe? #Wheezing
When is it time to schedule a sleep study? #SleepStudy
Madan Kandula
When is it time to schedule a sleep study? #SleepStudy
When is the last time you truly failed at something? Did you learn from that mistake?
Madan Kandula
When is the last time you truly failed at something? Did you learn from that mistake?
You should read “James: A Novel” by Percival Everett! #ReadABookDay
Madan Kandula
You should read “James: A Novel” by Percival Everett! #ReadABookDay
3 things to try to reduce your snoring. #Snore
Madan Kandula
3 things to try to reduce your snoring. #Snore
Can mouth taping be harmful if you have obstructive sleep apnea? #OSA
Madan Kandula
Can mouth taping be harmful if you have obstructive sleep apnea? #OSA
Your business needs more than flashy and fun elements to create a successful company culture.
Madan Kandula
Your business needs more than flashy and fun elements to create a successful company culture.
Is snoring an indicator of a sleep disorder? #SleepHealth
Madan Kandula
Is snoring an indicator of a sleep disorder? #SleepHealth
What’s your favorite podcast? I’m a dedicated listener of The Tim Ferriss Show. #TimFerriss
Madan Kandula
What’s your favorite podcast? I’m a dedicated listener of The Tim Ferriss Show. #TimFerriss
What are common airway disorders? #Breathing
Madan Kandula
What are common airway disorders? #Breathing
3 signs that you may have an obstructive airway. #TheBreathingTriangle
Madan Kandula
3 signs that you may have an obstructive airway. #TheBreathingTriangle
What can you do if you’re a mouth breather? Fix your airway. #TheBreathingTriangle
Madan Kandula
What can you do if you’re a mouth breather? Fix your airway. #TheBreathingTriangle
August is National Wellness Month and one thing that can impact your wellness is snoring.
Madan Kandula
August is National Wellness Month and one thing that can impact your wellness is snoring.
Sparky has been a great walking buddy over the years! #FriendshipDay
Madan Kandula
Sparky has been a great walking buddy over the years! #FriendshipDay
My daily workout may seem cliche to some, but it's where I've done my best thinking over the years!
Madan Kandula
My daily workout may seem cliche to some, but it's where I've done my best thinking over the years!
Think you have a restricted airway? Close your mouth and pay attention to how you breathe.
Madan Kandula
Think you have a restricted airway? Close your mouth and pay attention to how you breathe.
ADVENT’s golden rule is to treat others in a way they don’t even know that they want to be treated.
Madan Kandula
ADVENT’s golden rule is to treat others in a way they don’t even know that they want to be treated.
Breathing through a deviated septum isn't ideal, but there are ways to improve airway breathing!
Madan Kandula
Breathing through a deviated septum isn't ideal, but there are ways to improve airway breathing!
Are you affected by secondhand snoring? If your partner snores, it could compromise your sleep.
Madan Kandula
Are you affected by secondhand snoring? If your partner snores, it could compromise your sleep.
If your kiddo is snoring, take that as a cry for help and address it early. #Snore
Madan Kandula
If your kiddo is snoring, take that as a cry for help and address it early. #Snore
If you snore, you may find a fraction of relief from Breathe Right Nasal Strips. #SleepHealth
Madan Kandula
If you snore, you may find a fraction of relief from Breathe Right Nasal Strips. #SleepHealth
The more force your airway requires to move airflow while you sleep, the louder the snore. #Snore
Madan Kandula
The more force your airway requires to move airflow while you sleep, the louder the snore. #Snore
Are you having issues with your CPAP full-face mask? #CPAP
Madan Kandula
Are you having issues with your CPAP full-face mask? #CPAP
What if you can’t tolerate a CPAP machine? #CPAP
Madan Kandula
What if you can’t tolerate a CPAP machine? #CPAP
Of the fixed mindset and growth mindset, which is more dominant in your life? #CarolDweck
Madan Kandula
Of the fixed mindset and growth mindset, which is more dominant in your life? #CarolDweck
“Every act of creation begins with an act of destruction.” -Pablo Picasso.
Madan Kandula
“Every act of creation begins with an act of destruction.” -Pablo Picasso.
What’s your why?
Madan Kandula
What’s your why?
A clearly defined purpose is a sign of a successful business. #BusinessPurpose
Madan Kandula
A clearly defined purpose is a sign of a successful business. #BusinessPurpose