and I proved it (sort of)
Programmer Penguin
and I proved it (sort of)
steven he explodes (green screen test)
Programmer Penguin
steven he explodes (green screen test)
how i made a game after watching brackey's godot tutorial
Programmer Penguin
how i made a game after watching brackey's godot tutorial
i listened to a viewers request and added particles to my game.
Programmer Penguin
i listened to a viewers request and added particles to my game.
brackeys godot tutorial but i added some things too.
Programmer Penguin
brackeys godot tutorial but i added some things too.
Made a C program that makes another C program, runs it and deletes it
Programmer Penguin
Made a C program that makes another C program, runs it and deletes it
cs50p final project
Programmer Penguin
cs50p final project
rock paper scissors program but computer always wins.
Programmer Penguin
rock paper scissors program but computer always wins.
how python dictionaries work. #python #programming #dictionaryinpython
Programmer Penguin
how python dictionaries work. #python #programming #dictionaryinpython
I Made A Python Program That Counts Code Lines!
Programmer Penguin
I Made A Python Program That Counts Code Lines!
I made a python program that tells me if a word is the same backwards (palindrome)
Programmer Penguin
I made a python program that tells me if a word is the same backwards (palindrome)
I made a python program that self-destructs but makes a clone of itself just in time!
Programmer Penguin
I made a python program that self-destructs but makes a clone of itself just in time!
made a python program that  makes another python program, runs it and deletes it
Programmer Penguin
made a python program that makes another python program, runs it and deletes it