होली गीत 💐 संगीत,डॉ मोती लाल राठौर प्रस्तुतकर्ता (आराधना राठौर  साथी )#avadhigeet #holispecial #lok
The Luv Chords
होली गीत 💐 संगीत,डॉ मोती लाल राठौर प्रस्तुतकर्ता (आराधना राठौर साथी )#avadhigeet #holispecial #lok
गंगा गीत💐,(संगीत डॉ मोती लाल राठौर) ,,(प्रस्तुत कर्ता आराधना राठौर वा साथी)
The Luv Chords
गंगा गीत💐,(संगीत डॉ मोती लाल राठौर) ,,(प्रस्तुत कर्ता आराधना राठौर वा साथी)
दिवाली गीत 💥🙏 प्रस्तुतकर्ता- आराधना राठौर वा साथी (दूरदर्शन वा रेडियो कलाकार🙏 )
The Luv Chords
दिवाली गीत 💥🙏 प्रस्तुतकर्ता- आराधना राठौर वा साथी (दूरदर्शन वा रेडियो कलाकार🙏 )
देवी गीत 💐निमिया की डरिया 💐 प्रस्तुतकर्ता- आराधना राठौर वा साथी 🙏
The Luv Chords
देवी गीत 💐निमिया की डरिया 💐 प्रस्तुतकर्ता- आराधना राठौर वा साथी 🙏
देवी गीत 💐 हो रही जय जय कार # आराधना राठौर वा साथी
The Luv Chords
देवी गीत 💐 हो रही जय जय कार # आराधना राठौर वा साथी
💐हे गणेश, गढ़नायक गणपति दया करो, 🙏गणेश इस्तुति🙏 प्रस्तुतकर्ता -आराधना राठौर वा साथी ,
The Luv Chords
💐हे गणेश, गढ़नायक गणपति दया करो, 🙏गणेश इस्तुति🙏 प्रस्तुतकर्ता -आराधना राठौर वा साथी ,
गणेश वंदना🙏💐 आराधना राठौर वा साथी (रेडियो वा दूरदर्शन कलाकार)
The Luv Chords
गणेश वंदना🙏💐 आराधना राठौर वा साथी (रेडियो वा दूरदर्शन कलाकार)
देवी  गीत 🙏💐( आराधना राठौर वा साथी)
The Luv Chords
देवी गीत 🙏💐( आराधना राठौर वा साथी)
देवी गीत  - आराधना राठौर वा साथी
The Luv Chords
देवी गीत - आराधना राठौर वा साथी
सुर फुहार 2023 । झूला गीत । आराधना राठौर व साथी
The Luv Chords
सुर फुहार 2023 । झूला गीत । आराधना राठौर व साथी
सुर फुहार 2023 । हिंडोला गीत । आराधना राठौर व साथी
The Luv Chords
सुर फुहार 2023 । हिंडोला गीत । आराधना राठौर व साथी
#Sur phuhar 2023
The Luv Chords
#Sur phuhar 2023
#सुर फ़ुहार 2023
The Luv Chords
#सुर फ़ुहार 2023
Republic day choir 🇮🇳by M,R Jaipuriya school teachers,,🎤👍
The Luv Chords
Republic day choir 🇮🇳by M,R Jaipuriya school teachers,,🎤👍
Yoga and meditation free workshop... registration Naw(19/12/21)9 am Sunday...sharp.....
The Luv Chords
Yoga and meditation free workshop... registration Naw(19/12/21)9 am Sunday...sharp.....
Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment.. acdamy Re.open contact for Registration...
The Luv Chords
Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment.. acdamy Re.open contact for Registration...
Happy independence Day,,🇮🇳
The Luv Chords
Happy independence Day,,🇮🇳
online war of talents season2 👍..Sonika pandey Dance, group senior.plz vote for finals....thaq
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 👍..Sonika pandey Dance, group senior.plz vote for finals....thaq
online war of talents season2 👍 shaista Agrwal... Dance,group A ,plz vote for finals...
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 👍 shaista Agrwal... Dance,group A ,plz vote for finals...
online war of talents season2 👍Dhriti  gupta ,Dance grup A,plz vote for finals
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 👍Dhriti gupta ,Dance grup A,plz vote for finals
online war of talents season2 👍 Diyara gupta ,dance ,group B,plz for finals
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 👍 Diyara gupta ,dance ,group B,plz for finals
On-line war of talents season2 👍 Aanya Verma,Dance group A, plZ vote for finals...
The Luv Chords
On-line war of talents season2 👍 Aanya Verma,Dance group A, plZ vote for finals...
online war of talents season2 👍 Vanya Gupta,Dance , group.c .plz vote for finals...
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 👍 Vanya Gupta,Dance , group.c .plz vote for finals...
Online war of talents season2 👍Sangeeta Jauhari .Dance ,group senior,plz vote for finals.
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍Sangeeta Jauhari .Dance ,group senior,plz vote for finals.
Online war of talents season2 👍 Vartika Jauhari,Dance group B ,plz vote for finals.
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Vartika Jauhari,Dance group B ,plz vote for finals.
Online war of talents season2 👍Poonam jain, Dance ,group senior..plz vote for finals..
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍Poonam jain, Dance ,group senior..plz vote for finals..
Online war of talents season2 👍 Aarika Pandey, Dance & group A plZ vote for finals.
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Aarika Pandey, Dance & group A plZ vote for finals.
Online war of talents season2 👍 Swarnika Shrivastava Group A.plz vote for finals..
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Swarnika Shrivastava Group A.plz vote for finals..
Online war of talents season2 👍 Neelam Wadhwa,Dance, senior group,plz vote for finals
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Neelam Wadhwa,Dance, senior group,plz vote for finals
Online war of Talents season 2 👍 Kritee, Modling,plz vote for finals..
The Luv Chords
Online war of Talents season 2 👍 Kritee, Modling,plz vote for finals..
Online war of talents season2 Kritee ,Dance ,group c...plz vote for finals..
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 Kritee ,Dance ,group c...plz vote for finals..
Online war of talents season2... Saanvi Agarwal Dance group A..plz vote for finals...
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2... Saanvi Agarwal Dance group A..plz vote for finals...
Online war of talents season2.. Kanishka kherwar.... Singing group A.. plz vote for finals....
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2.. Kanishka kherwar.... Singing group A.. plz vote for finals....
Online war of talents season2, 👍 Vashnavi Nishad Dance ( group c)..plz like share for semilfainal.
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2, 👍 Vashnavi Nishad Dance ( group c)..plz like share for semilfainal.
On-line war of talents season2..Sonika panday .Dance senior group...plz like share for semilfainal..
The Luv Chords
On-line war of talents season2..Sonika panday .Dance senior group...plz like share for semilfainal..
On-line war of talents season2 👍 Dance -Poonam jain (group senior..) plz like share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
On-line war of talents season2 👍 Dance -Poonam jain (group senior..) plz like share for semilfainal
Online war of talents season2. 👍 SINGING 🎤Kanishka Kaithwas Jhasi.plz like and share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2. 👍 SINGING 🎤Kanishka Kaithwas Jhasi.plz like and share for semilfainal
Online war of talents season2 👍 Sangeeta Jauhari Dance.. senior group.plz like share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Sangeeta Jauhari Dance.. senior group.plz like share for semilfainal
online war of Talents season 2.. 👍Dance Vartika Jauhari.group B.plz like share for semilfainal..
The Luv Chords
online war of Talents season 2.. 👍Dance Vartika Jauhari.group B.plz like share for semilfainal..
online war of talents season2 ... 👍Shaista Agarwal Dance grup A plZ like and share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2 ... 👍Shaista Agarwal Dance grup A plZ like and share for semilfainal
Online War Of Talents season 2 👍 Modeling, Shrishti Nishad,,PlZ like share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online War Of Talents season 2 👍 Modeling, Shrishti Nishad,,PlZ like share for semilfainal
Online war of talents season2 👍 Modeling (Kirtee) ..group C like and share for semilfainal...
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 👍 Modeling (Kirtee) ..group C like and share for semilfainal...
online war of talents season2. 👍 Dance,(Kritee )group c.like ,&share for semilfainal..
The Luv Chords
online war of talents season2. 👍 Dance,(Kritee )group c.like ,&share for semilfainal..
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Dance VANYA group B plz like share her for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Dance VANYA group B plz like share her for semilfainal
Online war of talents season2 Saanvi Agarwal Dance group B 👍 ,like  and share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season2 Saanvi Agarwal Dance group B 👍 ,like and share for semilfainal
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Dance ,AANYA VERMA group A like and share her for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Dance ,AANYA VERMA group A like and share her for semilfainal
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Tejas Agarwal, Dance.Group B plz like share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season 2 👍 Tejas Agarwal, Dance.Group B plz like share for semilfainal
Online war of Talents season 2..Dace ..Swarnika Shrivastava Group A.👍plz vote for her.like and share
The Luv Chords
Online war of Talents season 2..Dace ..Swarnika Shrivastava Group A.👍plz vote for her.like and share
Online war of talents season 2Dance,Arika Pandey group A👍plz vote for her for semilfainal like share
The Luv Chords
Online war of talents season 2Dance,Arika Pandey group A👍plz vote for her for semilfainal like share
One line war of talents season2 Neelam Wadhwa.Dance,Group,c vote for her.👍like,share for semilfainal
The Luv Chords
One line war of talents season2 Neelam Wadhwa.Dance,Group,c vote for her.👍like,share for semilfainal
Online war of Talent season 2. Register Now hurry up. (Singing Dancing Instrumental Acting Modeling)
The Luv Chords
Online war of Talent season 2. Register Now hurry up. (Singing Dancing Instrumental Acting Modeling)
illegal weapon,,Dance by students of Angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur। ।👍
The Luv Chords
illegal weapon,,Dance by students of Angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur। ।👍
Holi Ki Chaayi hai Khumari Lates 2021 by Subansh Rathore #Holisong2021
The Luv Chords
Holi Ki Chaayi hai Khumari Lates 2021 by Subansh Rathore #Holisong2021
Audition New music Album🌿,,A rehe hai bake Bihari🌿,,28/Feb /21 contact ।।।।u  s
The Luv Chords
Audition New music Album🌿,,A rehe hai bake Bihari🌿,,28/Feb /21 contact ।।।।u s
Shiv Stuti,,semi clasical dance ,,,by our Acdamy students ,,, Chorography by -Mr Deepak Thakur,,,
The Luv Chords
Shiv Stuti,,semi clasical dance ,,,by our Acdamy students ,,, Chorography by -Mr Deepak Thakur,,,
'SWADESH ' ye jo desh hai tera..cover by SUBHANSH RATHORE., Republic day 2022🇮🇳  special.
The Luv Chords
'SWADESH ' ye jo desh hai tera..cover by SUBHANSH RATHORE., Republic day 2022🇮🇳 special.
zumba dance( exercise.).Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment And Production birhana knp👍
The Luv Chords
zumba dance( exercise.).Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment And Production birhana knp👍
Our courses,, Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment And Production... birhana road Kanpur
The Luv Chords
Our courses,, Angel star music hub and Rudhraksh Entertainment And Production... birhana road Kanpur
Deepak Thakur, Dance performance 👍 our Acadamy Dance teacher
The Luv Chords
Deepak Thakur, Dance performance 👍 our Acadamy Dance teacher
celebration 🎉 new year 2021 danc,for all zummba member's 👍
The Luv Chords
celebration 🎉 new year 2021 danc,for all zummba member's 👍
NEW YEAR Celibration2021🎊Angel star music hub & Rudhraksh Entertainment  Production birhana road knp
The Luv Chords
NEW YEAR Celibration2021🎊Angel star music hub & Rudhraksh Entertainment Production birhana road knp
💃Anannya gupta.online fancy dress competition contestant.plz like sher &subscribed her performance
The Luv Chords
💃Anannya gupta.online fancy dress competition contestant.plz like sher &subscribed her performance
💃Dance workshop,by (kanpur Gaurav)Vipin Nigam ji and (igt fame)Sarvesh ji at 19/20 dec2020
The Luv Chords
💃Dance workshop,by (kanpur Gaurav)Vipin Nigam ji and (igt fame)Sarvesh ji at 19/20 dec2020
योग शिविर 13/12/20/एंजल स्टार मुजीक हब रुद्राक्ष इंटरटेनमेंट एंड प्रोडक्शन हाउस में दीया गया मु
The Luv Chords
योग शिविर 13/12/20/एंजल स्टार मुजीक हब रुद्राक्ष इंटरटेनमेंट एंड प्रोडक्शन हाउस में दीया गया मु
Free Dance workshop...By India's got talent fame.. Sarvesh and Yashi..0n 19/20 Dec 2020 3 to 5 pm .
The Luv Chords
Free Dance workshop...By India's got talent fame.. Sarvesh and Yashi..0n 19/20 Dec 2020 3 to 5 pm .
Free Dance workshop western by Sarvesh and Yashi..sir on 19/20 Dec 2020 3to 5 pm....at our Acadamy
The Luv Chords
Free Dance workshop western by Sarvesh and Yashi..sir on 19/20 Dec 2020 3to 5 pm....at our Acadamy
Free Dance workshop for classical ,folk etc.. by Vipin Nigam..sir on 19/20 Dec 2020 3to 5 pm....
The Luv Chords
Free Dance workshop for classical ,folk etc.. by Vipin Nigam..sir on 19/20 Dec 2020 3to 5 pm....
zumba fitness classes runing successfuly only 999/
The Luv Chords
zumba fitness classes runing successfuly only 999/
Zumba fitness and fitness exercise..#Angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur..
The Luv Chords
Zumba fitness and fitness exercise..#Angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur..
#Zumba Fitness classes#angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur।
The Luv Chords
#Zumba Fitness classes#angel star music hub birhana road Kanpur।
Zumba fitness classes,At,,Angel Star Music Hub birhana road kanpur
The Luv Chords
Zumba fitness classes,At,,Angel Star Music Hub birhana road kanpur
गणेश आराधना (सुर संगम संगीत संस्थान और Angel Star Music Hub ) की अनुपम प्रस्तुति।।।
The Luv Chords
गणेश आराधना (सुर संगम संगीत संस्थान और Angel Star Music Hub ) की अनुपम प्रस्तुति।।।
सुर फुहार 2020।।शास्त्रीय संगीत कार्यक्रम । Facebook Live concert 30 August 20 Sunday---time 3 00 pm
The Luv Chords
सुर फुहार 2020।।शास्त्रीय संगीत कार्यक्रम । Facebook Live concert 30 August 20 Sunday---time 3 00 pm
Vanshika Gupta solo song ( Talents Of India)
The Luv Chords
Vanshika Gupta solo song ( Talents Of India)
Ishanvi Arora (solo dance ) Talents Of India
The Luv Chords
Ishanvi Arora (solo dance ) Talents Of India
Anvi Arora- dance solo (Talents Of India)
The Luv Chords
Anvi Arora- dance solo (Talents Of India)
Hirdika Gupta   -solo dance (Talents Of India)
The Luv Chords
Hirdika Gupta -solo dance (Talents Of India)
Shreya nigam -solo dance (Talents Of India)
The Luv Chords
Shreya nigam -solo dance (Talents Of India)
Manasvi Pathak-solo  singing (Talants Of India)
The Luv Chords
Manasvi Pathak-solo singing (Talants Of India)
Avika varshney.solo dance (Talents of India)
The Luv Chords
Avika varshney.solo dance (Talents of India)
Swarnika Srivastava -solo dance (Talants Of India)
The Luv Chords
Swarnika Srivastava -solo dance (Talants Of India)
name:- Adhya Lalwani Age:- 11 years Dance solo (Talants Of India)
The Luv Chords
name:- Adhya Lalwani Age:- 11 years Dance solo (Talants Of India)
Sameer Khan.. Instrumentel (Talents Of India)
The Luv Chords
Sameer Khan.. Instrumentel (Talents Of India)
Name-Shambhavi Singh- solo dance (Talents of India)
The Luv Chords
Name-Shambhavi Singh- solo dance (Talents of India)
Roohani Arora..solo Dance (Talants Of India)
The Luv Chords
Roohani Arora..solo Dance (Talants Of India)
Karuna &Taruna Arora...duet dance (talants Of India)
The Luv Chords
Karuna &Taruna Arora...duet dance (talants Of India)
Talants of India (singing, dance and fancy dress competition) Ragistretion now
The Luv Chords
Talants of India (singing, dance and fancy dress competition) Ragistretion now
Shreya Nigam  Grup c..Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
The Luv Chords
Shreya Nigam Grup c..Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
Tanvi Rajpoot group c (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Tanvi Rajpoot group c (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Akshita mishra group B (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Akshita mishra group B (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Name - Ileena Chatterjee  Gadup A Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
The Luv Chords
Name - Ileena Chatterjee Gadup A Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
Rakshita Dinghra group b( Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Rakshita Dinghra group b( Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Aditi Maewal age- grup B( Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Aditi Maewal age- grup B( Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Ananya dwivedi group c (Radaha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Ananya dwivedi group c (Radaha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Vanshika Gupta group B (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Vanshika Gupta group B (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Name  Prakrati Agarwal group b Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
The Luv Chords
Name Prakrati Agarwal group b Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
Shagun AWASTHI grup b (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
The Luv Chords
Shagun AWASTHI grup b (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏
Avika varshney grup b (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Avika varshney grup b (Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
Angel -grup c  (Radaha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
Angel -grup c (Radaha govindam Swarup 🙏)
For rup sajja  yashasvi MUNDHRA  And Yuvaansh MUNDHRA duet dance..(Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)
The Luv Chords
For rup sajja yashasvi MUNDHRA And Yuvaansh MUNDHRA duet dance..(Radha govindam Swarup 🙏)