This Will Activate Your Mind to Manifest Money
Your Youniverse
This Will Activate Your Mind to Manifest Money
Instant Manifestation: The moment you hear this, everything changes | POWERFUL Guided Meditation
Your Youniverse
Instant Manifestation: The moment you hear this, everything changes | POWERFUL Guided Meditation
Manifest with your mind power | instant reality shifting & manifestation
Your Youniverse
Manifest with your mind power | instant reality shifting & manifestation
Manifest from the God State | “I AM That I AM” Guided Meditation (Transform Instantly!)
Your Youniverse
Manifest from the God State | “I AM That I AM” Guided Meditation (Transform Instantly!)
Hypnosis for Past Life Regression (Guided Meditation)
Your Youniverse
Hypnosis for Past Life Regression (Guided Meditation)
How to wake up inside your dreams and manifest anything
Your Youniverse
How to wake up inside your dreams and manifest anything
Secret energy techniques so powerful they were once classified
Your Youniverse
Secret energy techniques so powerful they were once classified
Heal Your Body Guided Meditation (Wear Headphones) | Powerful | hypnosis | 3d audio
Your Youniverse
Heal Your Body Guided Meditation (Wear Headphones) | Powerful | hypnosis | 3d audio
Bend Reality with Your Mind: Everything you need to know to manifest anything fast (literally)
Your Youniverse
Bend Reality with Your Mind: Everything you need to know to manifest anything fast (literally)
20 years of manifestation knowledge in 49 minutes (Activate your mind to manifest anything)
Your Youniverse
20 years of manifestation knowledge in 49 minutes (Activate your mind to manifest anything)
Listen ONCE & UNLOCK your true POWER | Guided Hypnosis Meditation (Wear Headphones) | 3D Experience
Your Youniverse
Listen ONCE & UNLOCK your true POWER | Guided Hypnosis Meditation (Wear Headphones) | 3D Experience
Activate Your Divine Feminine Inner Goddess | Guided Hypnosis Meditation | 3D | ASMR
Your Youniverse
Activate Your Divine Feminine Inner Goddess | Guided Hypnosis Meditation | 3D | ASMR
Astral Projection 3D Experience | THIS Will Transform Your Life Forever (Wear Headphones) | Hypnosis
Your Youniverse
Astral Projection 3D Experience | THIS Will Transform Your Life Forever (Wear Headphones) | Hypnosis
"SWITCH ON" your manifestation power | Works FAST! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Your Youniverse
"SWITCH ON" your manifestation power | Works FAST! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
11:11 Portal: When You Step Through You Will Amplify Your Manifesting Power! | 11/11 | #1111
Your Youniverse
11:11 Portal: When You Step Through You Will Amplify Your Manifesting Power! | 11/11 | #1111
Attract Love | Listen Once & Watch What Happens! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Your Youniverse
Attract Love | Listen Once & Watch What Happens! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Is this the NEXT level of Manifestation? (Wear headphones)
Your Youniverse
Is this the NEXT level of Manifestation? (Wear headphones)
I will ACTIVATE your mind to manifest ANYTHING | Unbelievable Results! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Your Youniverse
I will ACTIVATE your mind to manifest ANYTHING | Unbelievable Results! | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Money Affirmations That WORK | Listen Daily to Reprogram Your Mind for Wealth | Powerful Results!
Your Youniverse
Money Affirmations That WORK | Listen Daily to Reprogram Your Mind for Wealth | Powerful Results!
This is what 3D hypnosis sounds like (wear headphones) | ASMR | Sleep Hypnosis
Your Youniverse
This is what 3D hypnosis sounds like (wear headphones) | ASMR | Sleep Hypnosis
The most powerful lucid dreaming hypnosis on the internet
Your Youniverse
The most powerful lucid dreaming hypnosis on the internet
Hear this ONCE and FOREVER shift your reality | RESULTS WILL SHOCK YOU | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Your Youniverse
Hear this ONCE and FOREVER shift your reality | RESULTS WILL SHOCK YOU | Guided Hypnosis Meditation
Mind control techniques that shift your reality (You won't BELIEVE how they do it)
Your Youniverse
Mind control techniques that shift your reality (You won't BELIEVE how they do it)
Once you learn to vibrate correctly, reality changes completely. | Everything is energy
Your Youniverse
Once you learn to vibrate correctly, reality changes completely. | Everything is energy
This Ancient Wisdom Transforms Reality
Your Youniverse
This Ancient Wisdom Transforms Reality
Reprogram your brain in 7 days...and manifest like a boss (hidden method)
Your Youniverse
Reprogram your brain in 7 days...and manifest like a boss (hidden method)
How to MASTER QUANTUM JUMPING and change your reality (the 'real' secret)
Your Youniverse
How to MASTER QUANTUM JUMPING and change your reality (the 'real' secret)
Once You Listen to THIS You Will TRANSFORM Life FOREVER (Quantum Manifestation Hypnosis Meditation)
Your Youniverse
Once You Listen to THIS You Will TRANSFORM Life FOREVER (Quantum Manifestation Hypnosis Meditation)
How I learned to channel higher consciousness – And how you can too (higher self)
Your Youniverse
How I learned to channel higher consciousness – And how you can too (higher self)
Your future self wants you to know this... (master quantum jumping)
Your Youniverse
Your future self wants you to know this... (master quantum jumping)
Quantum Time Portal Hypnosis: Listen to THIS and You Will SHIFT Reality (Guided Meditation)
Your Youniverse
Quantum Time Portal Hypnosis: Listen to THIS and You Will SHIFT Reality (Guided Meditation)
Shift Reality Manifestation Meditation (8 Hour) Theta Waves, Binaural Beats, Subliminal Affirmations
Your Youniverse
Shift Reality Manifestation Meditation (8 Hour) Theta Waves, Binaural Beats, Subliminal Affirmations
Once you know this formula, NOTHING can stop you
Your Youniverse
Once you know this formula, NOTHING can stop you
Your Life Will NEVER be the Same After Listening to This - Quantum Portal Hypnosis Meditation
Your Youniverse
Your Life Will NEVER be the Same After Listening to This - Quantum Portal Hypnosis Meditation
Manifest your dreams positive #affirmation loop #lawofattraction #manifestation #affirmations
Your Youniverse
Manifest your dreams positive #affirmation loop #lawofattraction #manifestation #affirmations
Once you use this, you will manifest money effortlessly
Your Youniverse
Once you use this, you will manifest money effortlessly
Manifest Money affirmation loop - Positive #affirmations to attract #wealth  #money #manifestation
Your Youniverse
Manifest Money affirmation loop - Positive #affirmations to attract #wealth #money #manifestation
The Universe Will Fulfill Your Every Wish (Positive #affirmations loop for #subconsciousmind) #loa
Your Youniverse
The Universe Will Fulfill Your Every Wish (Positive #affirmations loop for #subconsciousmind) #loa
Listen to This ONCE & the Shift Will Happen (The Secret Universal Mind Hypnosis) Guided Meditation
Your Youniverse
Listen to This ONCE & the Shift Will Happen (The Secret Universal Mind Hypnosis) Guided Meditation
Open Your Third Eye & Activate Your Pineal Gland (Powerful Info!) w/ William Donahue
Your Youniverse
Open Your Third Eye & Activate Your Pineal Gland (Powerful Info!) w/ William Donahue
"How to visualize" the RIGHT way to manifest what you want | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
"How to visualize" the RIGHT way to manifest what you want | Law of Attraction
Rosicrucian Secrets: Alchemy, Magic, Manifestation, and the Quest for Spiritual Awakening
Your Youniverse
Rosicrucian Secrets: Alchemy, Magic, Manifestation, and the Quest for Spiritual Awakening
Quantum Jumping Hypnosis: When you do this activation, you will shift to a parallel reality.
Your Youniverse
Quantum Jumping Hypnosis: When you do this activation, you will shift to a parallel reality.
Once you unlock this secret of the mind, you will shift reality (subconscious mind power)
Your Youniverse
Once you unlock this secret of the mind, you will shift reality (subconscious mind power)
This 2000 year old lost gospel reveals the secret teachings of Jesus (hidden knowledge)
Your Youniverse
This 2000 year old lost gospel reveals the secret teachings of Jesus (hidden knowledge)
33rd degree knowledge: This ancient wisdom was reserved for the elite.
Your Youniverse
33rd degree knowledge: This ancient wisdom was reserved for the elite.
Once you activate the God power, the shift happens (this is how) | law of attraction
Your Youniverse
Once you activate the God power, the shift happens (this is how) | law of attraction
"Subconscious Mind Reprogramming": How to manifest anything with the power of your subconscious mind
Your Youniverse
"Subconscious Mind Reprogramming": How to manifest anything with the power of your subconscious mind
How to Change Your Life with Identity Shifting
Your Youniverse
How to Change Your Life with Identity Shifting
Quantum Jumping – The easiest way to quantum jump into a parallel reality
Your Youniverse
Quantum Jumping – The easiest way to quantum jump into a parallel reality
How to Talk to the Universe & Attract What You Want | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
How to Talk to the Universe & Attract What You Want | Law of Attraction
Hypnosis to Shift Reality - Powerful Law of Attraction Guided Meditation
Your Youniverse
Hypnosis to Shift Reality - Powerful Law of Attraction Guided Meditation
The Secret of God – “Anyone who finds it finds supreme power” (Eye Opening!)
Your Youniverse
The Secret of God – “Anyone who finds it finds supreme power” (Eye Opening!)
"High Vibration" 11 Things ONLY High Vibrational People Experience (How to Raise Your Vibration)
Your Youniverse
"High Vibration" 11 Things ONLY High Vibrational People Experience (How to Raise Your Vibration)
The Secret of Synchronicity - "What you want also wants you"
Your Youniverse
The Secret of Synchronicity - "What you want also wants you"
"The 5th Dimension" 15 Signs that you’re shifting into the fifth dimension
Your Youniverse
"The 5th Dimension" 15 Signs that you’re shifting into the fifth dimension
How to manifest from the 5th dimension (Powerful Info!) | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
How to manifest from the 5th dimension (Powerful Info!) | Law of Attraction
Think like THIS and your reality will shift (4th dimensional thinking is the secret)
Your Youniverse
Think like THIS and your reality will shift (4th dimensional thinking is the secret)
Sacred Secretion Activation - “Activate the Seed” Guided Meditation | Pineal Gland | Kundalini
Your Youniverse
Sacred Secretion Activation - “Activate the Seed” Guided Meditation | Pineal Gland | Kundalini
“It Already Exists!” Reality Shifts Once You Do THIS
Your Youniverse
“It Already Exists!” Reality Shifts Once You Do THIS
The Sacred Secret - “It’s time to activate your God Self” | Pineal Gland Activation
Your Youniverse
The Sacred Secret - “It’s time to activate your God Self” | Pineal Gland Activation
11 Reasons why you keep seeing 11:11 and 1111 (+ Angel Number meaning)
Your Youniverse
11 Reasons why you keep seeing 11:11 and 1111 (+ Angel Number meaning)
It Works! This 1926 book taught me how to manifest reality with the law of attraction
Your Youniverse
It Works! This 1926 book taught me how to manifest reality with the law of attraction
The mirror principle - Reality shifts when you change this....
Your Youniverse
The mirror principle - Reality shifts when you change this....
Why you have to be alone during your spiritual awakening | Spirituality
Your Youniverse
Why you have to be alone during your spiritual awakening | Spirituality
Hypnosis to “Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind” (guided meditation to shift your reality)
Your Youniverse
Hypnosis to “Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind” (guided meditation to shift your reality)
Master this & the universe will manifest everything you desire | law of attraction
Your Youniverse
Master this & the universe will manifest everything you desire | law of attraction
"Real Magic" - How to influence the quantum realm & reality with your mind (law of attraction)
Your Youniverse
"Real Magic" - How to influence the quantum realm & reality with your mind (law of attraction)
"The Mandela Effect" This will make you question EVERYTHING in your reality
Your Youniverse
"The Mandela Effect" This will make you question EVERYTHING in your reality
Unlock this energy and “something inside of you will shift” (includes guided meditation)
Your Youniverse
Unlock this energy and “something inside of you will shift” (includes guided meditation)
This will show you how to "control reality with your mind"
Your Youniverse
This will show you how to "control reality with your mind"
"The Secret Energy": Once you master this, reality changes
Your Youniverse
"The Secret Energy": Once you master this, reality changes
When you do this activation, reality will shift
Your Youniverse
When you do this activation, reality will shift
Here’s what happens to your brain when you listen to “positive affirmations” every day
Your Youniverse
Here’s what happens to your brain when you listen to “positive affirmations” every day
1 MILLION Subscribers ! - Thank YOU 😊 #manifesting 🎉
Your Youniverse
1 MILLION Subscribers ! - Thank YOU 😊 #manifesting 🎉
Once you learn how to get into this state, Manifestation is Easy
Your Youniverse
Once you learn how to get into this state, Manifestation is Easy
When you talk to yourself like this, the universe will give you everything you desire
Your Youniverse
When you talk to yourself like this, the universe will give you everything you desire
This 1903 book taught me "how to manifest money" (attract money) | law of attraction
Your Youniverse
This 1903 book taught me "how to manifest money" (attract money) | law of attraction
“The Forbidden Scriptures” lost to time (Gregg Braden) | Missing books of the Bible
Your Youniverse
“The Forbidden Scriptures” lost to time (Gregg Braden) | Missing books of the Bible
These 13 minutes reveal how to "control reality with your mind"...
Your Youniverse
These 13 minutes reveal how to "control reality with your mind"...
Manifest your desires through frequency (use with CAUTION)
Your Youniverse
Manifest your desires through frequency (use with CAUTION)
33rd Degree Knowledge – Secret knowledge “hidden in plain sight" (Eye Opening!)
Your Youniverse
33rd Degree Knowledge – Secret knowledge “hidden in plain sight" (Eye Opening!)
THIS is how you’ve been programmed to NOT think for yourself! (Dr. Bruce Lipton Intro)
Your Youniverse
THIS is how you’ve been programmed to NOT think for yourself! (Dr. Bruce Lipton Intro)
The Sacred Secret - “It Happens to Your Pineal Gland Every 29 ½ Days" (Eye Opening!)
Your Youniverse
The Sacred Secret - “It Happens to Your Pineal Gland Every 29 ½ Days" (Eye Opening!)
"Quantum Jumping" How to shift to a parallel reality (PART 2) Highlight
Your Youniverse
"Quantum Jumping" How to shift to a parallel reality (PART 2) Highlight
Once you open your third eye, reality bends in your favor | “INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION”
Your Youniverse
Once you open your third eye, reality bends in your favor | “INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION”
"Quantum Jumping" How to shift to a parallel reality (PART 1) Highlight
Your Youniverse
"Quantum Jumping" How to shift to a parallel reality (PART 1) Highlight
"Reprogram your subconscious mind” and you will manifest anything you desire
Your Youniverse
"Reprogram your subconscious mind” and you will manifest anything you desire
Law of Attraction Guided Hypnosis (Meditation) - Time Travel in your mind & manifest your future NOW
Your Youniverse
Law of Attraction Guided Hypnosis (Meditation) - Time Travel in your mind & manifest your future NOW
"Time Travel" - Bend time with your mind to manifest what you want...FASTER (Law of Attraction)
Your Youniverse
"Time Travel" - Bend time with your mind to manifest what you want...FASTER (Law of Attraction)
“Simulation Theory” - The mind-bending idea that we’re living in a computer-generated reality
Your Youniverse
“Simulation Theory” - The mind-bending idea that we’re living in a computer-generated reality
The Universe will give you everything you desire when you do this... (Law of Attraction)
Your Youniverse
The Universe will give you everything you desire when you do this... (Law of Attraction)
How to heal your body, reverse aging & change physical appearance WITH YOUR MIND (law of attraction)
Your Youniverse
How to heal your body, reverse aging & change physical appearance WITH YOUR MIND (law of attraction)
Affirmations to “Attract Love” (Askfirmations) Manifest Love | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
Affirmations to “Attract Love” (Askfirmations) Manifest Love | Law of Attraction
The Hidden Bible Meaning of the “Resurrection” Good Friday & Easter | Neville Goddard (POWERFUL!)
Your Youniverse
The Hidden Bible Meaning of the “Resurrection” Good Friday & Easter | Neville Goddard (POWERFUL!)
“How to reprogram your subconscious mind” to manifest what you want | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
“How to reprogram your subconscious mind” to manifest what you want | Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction Guided Hypnosis (Meditation) – Program your mind to “manifest anything” easily
Your Youniverse
Law of Attraction Guided Hypnosis (Meditation) – Program your mind to “manifest anything” easily
“Switch Words” How to unlock the power of ONE WORD manifestation (switchwords) | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
“Switch Words” How to unlock the power of ONE WORD manifestation (switchwords) | Law of Attraction
“Positive Affirmations” for Self Concept ('You Are' version) | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
“Positive Affirmations” for Self Concept ('You Are' version) | Law of Attraction
"Telepathy" - How to send a telepathic message to someone... | Law of Attraction
Your Youniverse
"Telepathy" - How to send a telepathic message to someone... | Law of Attraction